Domènec Torrent Appointed NYCFC Head Coach (June '18) / Mutually Agree to Part Ways (November '19)

What Are Your Thoughts on Torrent as NYCFC Head Coach?

  • Quite Really Pleased

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • Really Pleased

    Votes: 13 33.3%
  • Pleased

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • Neither Pleased or Displeased

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Displeased

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Really Displeased

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Quite Really Displeased

    Votes: 1 2.6%

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So Pep's contract runs out in Summer 2022. That would give GVB two years with us before we'd need a replacement.

we’d also be getting a summer replacement again in 2022; unless he leaves 6 months in advance of taking over.

Up to this point I’ve never felt like NYCFC was a feeder team in terms of player development. But now it’s starting to feel like one in terms of coaching. They are already planning to screw us in a couple years to benefit Man City. And it’s worse from a coaching perspective, since it usually takes at least a season for a coach and staff to get the players to understand and implement the tactics correctly. Giving a 2 year window is setting NYCFC up for failure. Not a happy camper here.
we’d also be getting a summer replacement again in 2022; unless he leaves 6 months in advance of taking over.

Up to this point I’ve never felt like NYCFC was a feeder team in terms of player development. But now it’s starting to feel like one in terms of coaching. They are already planning to screw us in a couple years to benefit Man City. And it’s worse from a coaching perspective, since it usually takes at least a season for a coach and staff to get the players to understand and implement the tactics correctly. Giving a 2 year window is setting NYCFC up for failure. Not a happy camper here.
On the other hand, GVB inherits a better developed system and roster than Dome did, and has trophies on his mantel. If we were not CFG-owned, we’d be very happy to have someone like this taking over. I just hope that CFG does a better job of explaining MLS to GVB than they did with Dome. Assuming Dome wasn’t pushed by CFG, we should focus our frustration on him, not CFG. And we should be relieved that we aren’t getting a Petke or some other recycled MLS lifer.
On the other hand, GVB inherits a better developed system and roster than Dome did, and has trophies on his mantel. If we were not CFG-owned, we’d be very happy to have someone like this taking over. I just hope that CFG does a better job of explaining MLS to GVB than they did with Dome. Assuming Dome wasn’t pushed by CFG, we should focus our frustration on him, not CFG. And we should be relieved that we aren’t getting a Petke or some other recycled MLS lifer.

i hear those points. But point me to a club that cycles through coaches every other year and experiences sustained success.
On the other hand, GVB inherits a better developed system and roster than Dome did, and has trophies on his mantel. If we were not CFG-owned, we’d be very happy to have someone like this taking over. I just hope that CFG does a better job of explaining MLS to GVB than they did with Dome. Assuming Dome wasn’t pushed by CFG, we should focus our frustration on him, not CFG. And we should be relieved that we aren’t getting a Petke or some other recycled MLS lifer.
GVB’s merits aside, and despite how much I liked Dome, this would make three in a row who have been “CFG” hires. We should have a coach who wants to be here, not someone waiting around for Manchester. The Mirror article comes out and says it, GVB wouldn’t take this job for its own sake.
we’d also be getting a summer replacement again in 2022; unless he leaves 6 months in advance of taking over.

Up to this point I’ve never felt like NYCFC was a feeder team in terms of player development. But now it’s starting to feel like one in terms of coaching. They are already planning to screw us in a couple years to benefit Man City. And it’s worse from a coaching perspective, since it usually takes at least a season for a coach and staff to get the players to understand and implement the tactics correctly. Giving a 2 year window is setting NYCFC up for failure. Not a happy camper here.
Summer 2022 replacement under the current CBA. The next may have more opportunities to spend big coin. If Pep is the Coach-In-Waiting, I’d expect CFG to pull an LAG and force MLs’ hand with loosening the strings.
Summer 2022 replacement under the current CBA. The next may have more opportunities to spend big coin. If Pep is the Coach-In-Waiting, I’d expect CFG to pull an LAG and force MLs’ hand with loosening the strings.

you seriously believe that fairytale?
I’m also now thinking dome took the gig for a shot at man city in 2022. When he learned it wouldn’t be him, he wanted out of CFG and the NYC gig.
So Pep's contract runs out in Summer 2022. That would give GVB two years with us before we'd need a replacement.
we’d also be getting a summer replacement again in 2022; unless he leaves 6 months in advance of taking over.
Up to this point I’ve never felt like NYCFC was a feeder team in terms of player development. But now it’s starting to feel like one in terms of coaching. They are already planning to screw us in a couple years to benefit Man City. And it’s worse from a coaching perspective, since it usually takes at least a season for a coach and staff to get the players to understand and implement the tactics correctly. Giving a 2 year window is setting NYCFC up for failure. Not a happy camper here.
I noted that too. But the article also reminds us that Arteta is also still a potential in-house Pep successor. I agree it's annoying our club is being used for this purpose but it won't necessarily play out that way. Of course if at any point Arteta does seem to be more likely to get the job GvB would probably start looking for employment elsewhere as PV did.

But also 2 points worth noting about the pertinent sentence in the Mirror article: "Sources in Holland insist that Van Bronkhorst would be unlikely to accept the New York job if there was no plan for him to eventually move into a more prominent role inside the CFG."

First, it is the only sentence in the entire article that someone on this forum could not have written. Everything else is publicly available information, and quite commonly known. The Pep contract end point in 2022 was probably the only other bit that forum members don't already know but it's also easily researched. Second, the sources are identified merely as being "in Holland." Note there is no claim that they know von Bronckhurst or have spoken with him or directly know his thoughts. They're simply "in Holland." If they knew him, or spoke to him or worked with him, they would be described as such, perhaps a little vaguely to conceal the identity but they would not just be "in Holland." Reporters pull this trick all the time. They dress up statements in ways that are not strictly untrue but suggestive, and then allow us as readers to jump to conclusions. So this reporter has contacts in Holland, which probably every decent soccer reporter in England does. He calls them up and gets them to speculate and we read it as if it's inside dope.

Bottom line, the article is interesting and possibly all true but really it is just repackaged public information laced with opinion from random people in Holland -- probably at least knowledgeable about the soccer scene there but who knows really -- but they do not know GvB.
i hear those points. But point me to a club that cycles through coaches every other year and experiences sustained success.
I want decisions to be made based solely upon how they benefit NYCFC without any consideration as to how it may benefit another team or affiliate. That’s not happening with manager selection and that would not be happening here. That sucks.
you seriously believe that fairytale?
I’m also now thinking dome took the gig for a shot at man city in 2022. When he learned it wouldn’t be him, he wanted out of CFG and the NYC gig.
I don’t believe anything with this club until it happens - too much unfounded speculation. That doesn’t mean I can’t trigger you by joining in. That said, Pep would only come if he was completely catered to with added player firepower.

Re Dome and top MCFC job - if he thought he was getting the role, he’s delusional.
“Welcome to MLS and NYCFC GVB.”
“Great! When do I start coaching?”
“well there is just one little issue, the players are on strike due to TAM, free agency, charter flights and DP spots.”
“As I said, welcome to MLS.”
you seriously believe that fairytale?
I’m also now thinking dome took the gig for a shot at man city in 2022. When he learned it wouldn’t be him, he wanted out of CFG and the NYC gig.
I admit I considered the GvB/Pep 2022 switcheroo theory even before Ulrich brought it up. It's been sitting out there a while, though extremely unlikely as we all know. I just like to imagine the MC fans heads exploding if it were ever to happen. But then I come back to the reality where we keep getting CFG trainees.
I just hope they’re interviewing and considering other candidates. I don’t want a Gregg scenario happening in NYC. I understand that Dome was a rushed appointment because Vieira was leaving but I really hope the person coming in understands the travel, the league budget limitations, what playoffs are, that we don’t have a permanent stadium for the full season, etc. Can accept all of that and actually wants to coach here.
I've never believed in the coaching progression theory of starting at low level to develop a top flight resume. Coaching an MLS roster is significantly different than coaching elite players, as Jason Kreis can attest to.
I think you develop better as an assistant at top flight. If Dome or GvB's plan is to use MLS as a stepping stone, I believe they are wasting time.

Players develop much different than coaches.
I just hope they’re interviewing and considering other candidates. I don’t want a Gregg scenario happening in NYC. I understand that Dome was a rushed appointment because Vieira was leaving but I really hope the person coming in understands the travel, the league budget limitations, what playoffs are, that we don’t have a permanent stadium for the full season, etc. Can accept all of that and actually wants to coach here.

Sources in Holland seem to say he doesn't. ;)

Don't know where GvB played as a defender, but does this mean our already pretty good defense will get that much better? Hopefully not to the detriment of our attack
I just hope they’re interviewing and considering other candidates. I don’t want a Gregg scenario happening in NYC. I understand that Dome was a rushed appointment because Vieira was leaving but I really hope the person coming in understands the travel, the league budget limitations, what playoffs are, that we don’t have a permanent stadium for the full season, etc. Can accept all of that and actually wants to coach here.
Understandable. But if GvB is the target, wouldn't that suggest an even longer process of preparing for succession?
I admit I considered the GvB/Pep 2022 switcheroo theory even before Ulrich brought it up. It's been sitting out there a while, though extremely unlikely as we all know. I just like to imagine the MC fans heads exploding if it were ever to happen. But then I come back to the reality where we keep getting CFG trainees.

I'm a step beyond you. I'm mentally preparing for the double switcheroo. GvB/Pep swap in 2022 but MCFC struggles out the gate and we have to switch back mid season for the good of MCFC. When it happens we can call it the reverse Lampard.