From The Factory Floor Podcast

If you don't mind my asking, what happened there that made it so bad?

You mean with the podcast guys?

The really really short version is that they listened to my shitty podcast and instead of attacking the crappy content or anything like that, they decided to turn our promo for the studio into some racial shit because they're hipster pieces of garbage.

little bit longer version. My co-host was saying how great the studio is, everyone should check it out. They do awesome digital arts classes, you can host podcasts or make music videos, and he goes "if you and your friends want to come down and make a rap video, you can come down and make a rap video." Without remembering all the details it kinda doesn't sound like a big deal, but they spent like 15 minutes calling us racists, then went to twitter and went to our work accounts telling us how we've defiled black culture by mentioning rap videos and being white. Just stupid dumb shit, but it was completely classless, low, and in my opinion, way way out of bounds for a fake soccer rivalry.

It sounds like I'm overreacting now as I write it, but just trust me that I attempt to be level-headed as much as possible and this just screamed to me that these losers aren't good guys. The fact that they were tweeting at my work account about being a racist is what really got me going.

If they said we're morons because we suck at podcasting or didn't know anything about soccer, etc... all fair game. That just rubbed me the wrong way hard and I stand by my feelings. That place will never get a dime from me as long as they're welcome there.
Just listened to the most recent FFF and the host mentions he reads this board and has read this thread. I thought his take on some recent events in New York football was pretty fair. I'm hoping he can continue that going forward.
Just listened to the most recent FFF and the host mentions he reads this board and has read this thread. I thought his take on some recent events in New York football was pretty fair. I'm hoping he can continue that going forward.
Yeah, they realized that they're called football factory podcast and not red bull factory podcast and had to tone down on the bias.
I guess I'll resubscribe if they're dropping the false rivalry. I've already have seeing Red as my Red Bull podcast.
I put up with this show until I the co-host said that the cosmos have done the best job out of all of the 3 soccer teams in nyc. The cosmos ladies and gents who no one within the tri state area, save a handful of fans care up, who play in a league that is as relevant as our rec league here in tampa, when you look at the global soccer landscape. The cosmos who signed a 37 year Raul that no one wanted because it allowed him to coach or whatever the behind the door agreement was. The cosmos who sign mls journeymen who mls no longer wants or has a place for.

I just laugh when someone tries to compare the cosmos to redbulls or now nyc fc in any way. You gotta be kidding me. The only way the cosmos ever become relevant again is if they join mls or buy out redbulls which can't happen because the cosmos don't have the cash. They don't have a stadium, they don't have a league, yes I said, the nasl is a joke not even worth commenting on anymore. Gotta be kidding me. Smh.

Word of advice any potential soccer journalist within the US and nyc metro area. The more you try and compare the nasl or usl and their teams to mls, the less credible you are. To say that the cosmos have had the best off season out of nyc fc and redbulls is just stupid. They sign a 37 year old Spanish legend and nyc fc sign a much younger Spanish striker who is still in his relative prime lol.....idiots.

Listen, has nyc fc made mistakes with lampard and the stadium so far. Yes of course. But these are all growing pains. In a few years nyc fc will be one of the premier clubs in mls bank on it.
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