Game Of Thrones (spoilers)

Actually I'm pretty sure that Tarly said that all the gold had already made it to Kings Landing.
ah, I thought he said something about the gold, but I thought it was a reassurance like "we'll see the gold through to King's Landing" or something - odd that Jamie left the gold when Cersi said he was personally escorting it
now that the harvest and gold are gone, the Iron Bank won't back the throne - methinks Cersi will do something rash
Didn't Tarly tell Jaimie that the Gold was already back at the Red Keep, or did he say "when"?

Now thinking Jaimie is the Prince We Were Promised - rising from the fire and ash of this battle. The director continually showed the ashes of soldiers blowing away.
Didn't Tarly tell Jaimie that the Gold was already back at the Red Keep, or did he say "when"?

Now thinking Jaimie is the Prince We Were Promised - rising from the fire and ash of this battle. The director continually showed the ashes of soldiers blowing away.
Just went back and checked - Randyll Tarly said "all the gold is safely through the gates of King's Landing"

I can't think of any other parts of the prophecy would make Jamie the "Prince"
My best attempt to reconcile the gold info is that enough made it to Kings Landing for Cersei to pay off the Iron Bank on the loan that paid for the attack on Highgarden. The wagon of gold that Jaime used to pay Bronn was left behind for that and similar payments, plus maybe for exigencies like unexpected bribes or to throw some money at the soldiers from time to time. Money will be tight now as the Bank won't lend so easily (even though the first loan was paid) when there's no grain and Cersei's winning streak is over.
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My best attempt to reconcile the gold info is that enough made it to Kings Landing for Cersei to pay off the Iron Bank on the loan that paid for the attack on Highgarden. The wagon of gold that Jaime used to pay Bronn was left behind for that and similar payments, plus maybe for exigencies like unexpected bribes or to throw some money at the soldiers from time to time. Money will be tight now as the Bank won't lend so easily (even though the first loan was paid) when there's no grain and Cersei's winning streak is over.
Jamie gave Bronn the gold then there was a cut scene - pretty sure that wagon was all the gold and that all of it made it to King's Landing
my brother and I were talking more about how the harvest was destroyed - starving people in King's Landing doesn't bode well for Cersi, unless she's able to blame it on Dany - she'll want to start a smear campaign as soon as possible
Sansa's face when she realized she was now the sanest/least-murdered-murderty Stark.

I mean, she did let a pack of dogs eat a person. Granted, a very very evil person..... I took it as she was jealous of how able and badass Arya had become - she pretty much repeatedly beat the toughest warrior Sansa had come across.
she's the new Rickon - hopefully she doesn't just run in a straight line

You'd think I'd comment on this thread more considering my avatar lol. Next week looks so good ! It's causing a dilemma for me because If I come to the match against the Revs I'll get too home to late to watch it and will have to wait till Monday ! First world problems..
You'd think I'd comment on this thread more considering my avatar lol. Next week looks so good ! It's causing a dilemma for me because If I come to the match against the Revs I'll get too home to late to watch it and will have to wait till Monday ! First world problems..
Last week against New Jersey I left my seat at minute 82 and went down to behind the first base line to the right hand side of the goal. The second the whistle blew I booked and headed for the train. Made it home at 8:55 and caught the whole episode. If the trains are good to you and you don't mind skipping the celebrations it's possible.

Or, uh, so I've heard.
I still think we'll see him return. He'll be the one who forges the obsidian into blades to fight the white walkers. Remember he was one of the most skilled blacksmiths in Kings Landing, and using dragon glass can't be easy when it comes to smithing.
Gendry returns. A Dragon, a Wolf, a Stag and a Lion all fighting on the same side.