Game Of Thrones (spoilers)

One theory is that yes the Red Witch brings him back to life. Another is that (and this is hinted at a lot in the books) his spirit can reside in Ghost. A third is that the Night's Watch burn his body with the intention of saving it from resurrection by the Ice King, but since he is part Targaryen (R+L=J) he is reborn in the fire just like Dany sort-of was in Season 1. This also releases him from his Night Watch vows because part of the Night Watch funeral ceremnoy is "And now his watch is ended."
Could alos be a combination of the above. And there are multiple prophecies of "chosen one" types which are probably the same person and are very possibly if not probably Jon Snow especially if he dies and is reborn.
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In the books, it's heavily implied that
Jon's consciousness enters the mind of his direwolf Ghost, as his last word is "Ghost...", much in the same way Robb's was "Grey Wind...". He can get away with this, as we know, through the ADWD prologue chapter with Varamyr Sixskins, as his body dies and his mind ends up within his wolf. While his consciousness shouldn't change his personality too drastically, characters like Catelyn Stark were quite different after their resurrections due to the amount of time their minds spent "dead". Beric was resurrected soon after each time he died, and lost a bit of himself each time. Jon may be a bit more wolfish after he comes back, but that might be all for the better as he'll be free to reclaim the North, something he subconsciously tried to do through his ADWD arc.
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In the books, it's heavily implied that
Jon's consciousness enters the mind of his direwolf Ghost, as his last word is "Ghost...", much in the same way Robb's was "Grey Wind...". He can get away with this, as we know, through the ADWD prologue chapter with Varamyr Sixskins, as his body dies and his mind ends up within his wolf. While his consciousness shouldn't change his personality too drastically, characters like Catelyn Stark were quite different after their resurrections due to the amount of time their minds spent "dead". Beric was resurrected soon after each time he died, and lost a bit of himself each time. Jon may be a bit more wolfish after he comes back, but that might be all for the better as he'll be free to reclaim the North, something he subconsciously tried to do through his ADWD arc.
I edited your spoiler tag since there are some pretty big book-only spoilers.
Very Spolierful Links

Grantland has some of the best GoT columns running. Two end of season standouts that analyze the whole Jon Snow situation and more can be found at


The Ask the Maester sseries is full of goodness, and if you're into this stuff you could find youself going back and reading the whole set from the last season and then wondering where your 1-2 hours went.
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In the books, it's heavily implied that
Jon's consciousness enters the mind of his direwolf Ghost, as his last word is "Ghost...", much in the same way Robb's was "Grey Wind...". He can get away with this, as we know, through the ADWD prologue chapter with Varamyr Sixskins, as his body dies and his mind ends up within his wolf. While his consciousness shouldn't change his personality too drastically, characters like Catelyn Stark were quite different after their resurrections due to the amount of time their minds spent "dead". Beric was resurrected soon after each time he died, and lost a bit of himself each time. Jon may be a bit more wolfish after he comes back, but that might be all for the better as he'll be free to reclaim the North, something he subconsciously tried to do through his ADWD arc.

I miss Beric Dondarian from the books. I need to read them all over again before the Winds of Winter finally comes out. It better beat out next season! But no mater what A Song for Spring will be beaten out by the show and I'll spend years wondering if the books were spoilt or if it was all just an alternate ending in a parallel universe.
Yeah, I was slow on the take this season because my HBO Now subscription was screwed up and I couldn't log in after the 30 day trial expired. I finally called Optimum to get it sorted out and found that I'd been paying for it the whole time but my dumb ass flubbed my e-mail address when I signed up and that was why I couldn't log in. LOL!