Glick Possibly Out At Nycfc... Maybe

Can anyone put a positive spin on this? Because it seems the only reasons for this would be negative.

I can't. It was easy for me to put a positive spin on his predecessor - but not this. I thought he would have been here a very long time.
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Can anyone put a positive spin on this? Because it seems the only reasons for this would be negative.
Hopefully now we'll have a club president who's only club to oversee is NYCFC unlike Glick who oversaw MCFC too.

Sandro Rosell to NYC in 3…2…
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Wouldn't shock me if they said anyone is out at this point. They expected success from year 1 and I think this season was a disappointing one for CFG. Positive? They're going to go into next season with much more invested in this team if they're making changes already. I look at it as those in charge didn't meet expectations and thus didn't keep their job.
The Union just fired Nick Sakiewicz their CEO and he is available .... HAHAHA I am just kidding.
The article - based on a nameless source of course - claims Glick is going back to Man City. If that is true, I don't see how this is anything but neutral to negative.

Neutral - he's doing it for family/personal reasons.

Negative - Either CFG likes him and wants him with the big club, meaning we get the second rate help. Or, he decided, despite presumed assurances to the contrary before he came to NYC, that the way to advance within the organization is to be in England, because NYCFC is an afterthought. Or he hasn't gotten the support he was promised and expected.

Apart from what's in the article, it is hard to imagine he is taking the fall here. The side of the club he was responsible for was a success. Maybe behind the scenes things are bad (eg no stadium prospects at all - goodness I hope not) but this team excelled at putting people in the seats at home and away.We don't have figures, but we all seem to think they sold a lot of gear. It has been on the field - which is not his responsibility - that there has been failure. Firing him for that would be ridiculous.

Which makes me think this is his decision. And it's bad if the team cannot hold onto good people. It's never good to be a place where people do not want to work.
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I smell Red BULLSHIT. The first tweet came from Kristian Dyer... a Red Bullshit reporter.

IF this is in fact true, I would say that he was only here in the interim anyway. Pernetti left for a job he found more attractive. The club was just kicking off and certainly didn't have time to wait to find a President. They bring Glick in because they know he's capable, has experience and has worked in their system.

If it's not true... very tricky shot there Pink Cows.
I smell Red BULLSHIT. The first tweet came from Kristian Dyer... a Red Bullshit reporter.

IF this is in fact true, I would say that he was only here in the interim anyway. Pernetti left for a job he found more attractive. The club was just kicking off and certainly didn't have time to wait to find a President. They bring Glick in because they know he's capable, has experience and has worked in their system.

If it's not true... very tricky shot there Pink Cows.
I think it's being reported around enough we can put the conspiracy theory to bed. He's gone, what it means for the club... who knows. I imagine he wanted to be back in Manchester but hopefully we can get someone in here for longer then 9 months and really help the club move in a positive direction.
Around? I've only seen it on Metro. Everyone sourcing Dyer.

Edit: I don't trust twitter. I'll respect it when the club announces it.
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If true, not good at all. For all the reasons stated above.
If false, whatever, wrong info is all over the place in this age of social media.
I smell Red BULLSHIT. The first tweet came from Kristian Dyer... a Red Bullshit reporter.

IF this is in fact true, I would say that he was only here in the interim anyway. Pernetti left for a job he found more attractive. The club was just kicking off and certainly didn't have time to wait to find a President. They bring Glick in because they know he's capable, has experience and has worked in their system.

If it's not true... very tricky shot there Pink Cows.

I was coming here to suggest the same thing. However, usually you don't lose your interim guy until you have a new guy lined up. And reports say we are still searching. The search should have been conducted and gotten over with months ago. Hopefully this was part of some weird plan, but likely not.