How did you become a NYCFC fan?

Why NYCFC? And why did you decide to give them a chance when you did?
When did you realise you were a fan?

I had tried the Red Bulls when MLS first started, but it didn't entertain me. The 2014 World Cup piqued my interest in soccer, and as a Yankees fan who knew NYCFC was starting because of my baseball fandom -- plus the fact they were playing at Yankee Stadium -- were all key reasons.
What was it about the blue and orange for you?
What was it about that experience on the day too?
Orange and blue represent NY a lot better in my opinion than 'red'. Also, the 'red' is purely for red bulls. (NY flag is orange/blue/white, mets, islanders, knicks are all blue/white/orange)
It happens to be that both games were against Toronto FC - RB was a 0-2 loss at home, NYC was a 2-2 tie at home. I'm not sure what exactly it was, but the matchday experience felt more comforting, fun, convenient, and just overall I sat there thinking "Yeah, I could get used to coming to this stadium with these players and these fans every time", whereas in the RB stadium I didn't feel that way as much.
This is great, thank you!

You really should do a PhD- but you won't stop thinking about it once you start!!

Did you follow the Yankees before NYCFC and any other NY sports teams?
How did Tottenham come about?

I was a Yankees fan growing up, beginning with the "Bronx is Burning" team of the mid and late 70s, and I liked the Mets as well. Followed the Yankees into my 20s then mostly lost interest in baseball. But above all I was, and still am, a New York Jets fan. Which is a horrible thing to be. Not unlike being a Spurs fan, probably. Which is one of the reasons I adopted Spurs-- there was an article published back in 2005 or so by a well-know US sportswriter (who never paid soccer any mind other than this one article) about picking a Premier League team to follow-- he compared each Premier League team to a US football or baseball team. For Spurs it was the Jets-- the "other" London team who was generally mediocre and always broke your heart in the end. So there was that, plus being Jewish I thought their historical identification with the Jewish community was cool. I found the colors and crest pleasing. The clincher was, years later in 2011, my son who was 8 at the time announced out of nowhere he was a Spurs fan-- he was just getting into soccer and had watched a few games and was amazed by Gareth Bale.

Anyway I'm so glad NYCFC has given me a third club to support, otherwise was stuck with just the Jets and Spurs!
Growing up, I never followed soccer. I always preferred American football and basketball.

I moved to NYC in 2014, and since then I’ve stopped watching the NFL (handling of concussions, national anthem, among other things) and the NBA has started to bore me. I knew that NYCFC existed and that they played at Yankee stadium, but never looked any further because I didn’t follow soccer.

Eventually I started longing for a sport/team to follow. I have always thought baseball was boring so that was out of the question. Then I remembered that NYCFC played at Yankee stadium. I lived (and currently live) in Harlem which made getting to a game really easy. Decided to buy tickets to one and go... I believe it was against Vancouver. We ended up winning and I had a great time. I think I’ve only missed 1 or 2 home games since.

EDIT: My first game was in July of last year. Glad I got to see Villa before he left.
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I've been going to see Yankees games in the BX since I was 3, and that team had been my sole 'sports identity' for my whole life - I liked other teams here and there but once a Yankee, always a Yankee. In the early 2010s my wife and I started to get into Premier League football, and footy in general. By 2014 I knew I had to pick a squad for both the Prem, and a main one globally, and lo and behold, NYCFC came along: they played in my home/church, had great colors and players, and were connected to a team I had started a predilection for since 'AGUEROOOOOOO' - MCFC.

Now, even though I still love the Yanks with all my heart, NYCFC has become by #1 passion and love. I became a Founding Member during the first season, and still hold on to that status, mainly to get 'my brick' in a new stadium (whenever that happens.) I live in Phoenix Arizona now, and have for the last 10 years or so, so a season ticket is more of a pain than anything (as I have to sell it each match, and usually at a bit of a loss) but I'm still really proud of the association either way.

Hope that helps !
In 1994, when I hoped in the birth a soccer team in NYC with a NYCFC name!! And in 2013, the day of my birthday (21st May) the dream has becoming reality. And I hope that the next 10th November...........
Why were NYCFC a natural fit?
It was an expansion team in the city i live in. And while the city I come from originally has a natural rival with most NY teams which I hate, NYCFC was a local team with no Miami rival. I had a need for a local team and they filled the void.
Moved to NYC from California in 2014. Been a Quakes/Clash fan since MLS was created. Thought becoming a NYCFC STH would be a good way to have a connection to NYC and a good way to meet people.

Went to the first couple of Forums parties at Ryan’s Daughter, met some great people and been here ever since!
Weve been back in CA for a couple of years now, but I keep up with NYCFC just as closely as when we lived back East. It’s been a great journey so far!