If You Run The @nycfcultras Twitter....

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Typically when people name their group "Ultras" that usually means "tools" from my experience.

In Europe it generally means racists, bigots, neo-nazis, etc.
Not sure if it's a troll account or what but they blatantly ripped off their logo from @nycultras on twitter.
You need to stop shitting on other supporters we're supposed to be on the same side here last time I checked.
I love how everyone puts me in their post(Twitter). I'm right here. Always answered questions yet I have to be subjected to criticism. To any third rail guy that wants to talk shit. You should look at my past post and see how I've always defended you guys regardless of all the bs accusations. From here on in tr can go fuck themselves. If you have a problem with nycf ultras fine. Keep me out of it. Shit I even mentioned how I was willing to give my scarf( if I ever get it) to someone that may need it. Now I'll just burn the fucking thing and put it up on YouTube. Such pussies. I love how everyone claims we should all support each other yet you bash your own members. Anyway fuck you again and nycfc forum guys I do apologize for this message but Im sick of these guys constantly attacking people that are only looking to help the club we all claim to love.
You need to stop shitting on other supporters we're supposed to be on the same side here last time I checked.
I'm going to guess it's a person that belongs to the NYCFC Supporters Page and the Forum based on a few of his posts. Not third rail though or the others. Judging by his complete clusterfuck of the English language I think I can narrow it down.

I didn't give a shit about him until he started tagging myself and the forums.
I'm seeing nycfc ultras, nyc ultras and BX Ultras which I'm assuming is you? Don't know who the others are but if they're followed by the third fail troll account then that says a lot already.
I'm seeing nycfc ultras, nyc ultras and BX Ultras which I'm assuming is you? Don't know who the others are but if they're followed by the third fail troll account then that says a lot already.
The NYCFCUltras is a troll account of NYCUltras which has two tweets of 2 pictures. No other tweets at all.
Just block and report. Idk how third fail hasn't been deleted yet. They just have to file an imposter claim when reporting.
I'm starting to think these groups are springing up to sabotage the Third Rail. Supposedly there are all these complaints but no ones bringing them up at meetings. It's all fishy to me...
I'm starting to think these groups are springing up to sabotage the Third Rail. Supposedly there are all these complaints but no ones bringing them up at meetings. It's all fishy to me...
The only people that can sabotage tr is tr itself. I think you guys are actually going in that direction.
Yeah I don't see all these rules and regulations what not they're all talking about on Twitter. The third rail isn't a monarchy. Everyone has a voice. Yes there's a board but the only thing we don't tolerate is discrimination or racist remarks towards others in the group. I have a feeling whoever runs that NYCFCULTRAS Twitter was someone who the other day was making fun of Jews in the group and he was warned kept going so he was removed. But that wasn't even in the third rail group is was the General NYCFC group. To say the club only recognizes the third rail is ridiculous I've seen them give love to BBSC BXFSC and even the forums. Whoever is running that account is on crack.
BBSC Is separate from third rail one of their members is also a TR member but they are seperate groups. But again the club gives plenty of its groups love, not just third rail.
When they say "recognize" I think they mean "officially". Third Rail is the only "officially recognized" group. But NYCFC is very good about interacting with the different groups.
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