I'm Crawling Under A Rock

Papa Dios please do not let it happen here. This is why I am not very vociferous about Yankee Stadium security. I am aware many are not happy about the way sometimes we the fans get treated at the stadium. I had a small incident with a female security in which I felt, she felt that I could not afford to be in Delta . I though about making a complaint with her supervisor. and then thought about all the bad things that happen in this world , I just said to myself that after all she was doing her job, and in case of an evil human wants to hurts us she may be afraid to say something, because of one small mistake she made in the past in her job.
My thoughts to Paris and the new coach Mr V who must be taking this very personal ! Andrea Pirlo put a post on his facebook to about 70% negativity from people who were saying he should remember other countries and other situations. Everyone has the right to feel the way they do. Public people take a risk by voicing their opinion. It just makes me wonder if he put on his facebook that since he's Italian and a Wine maker that Grapes are his favorite fruit!......Would then all the other Fruits out there take offence and speak up? Why can't we just stick to the subject anymore? Is that even possible? Just asking?
Not to now say remember other people and other situations but in the same day ISIS also attacked Beirut -

I woke up to the facebook thing that announces you have friends in places where shit is going down and that they have or haven't checked in. Having friends in both places ... It's a scary world for sure.

Without opening a huge political can of worms, can anyone tell me why we can't just grant ISIS a state. I mean their tactics are deplorable, and that is a reason I understand for not recognizing them as a state, but in truth their big beef is that borders were drawn up willy-nilly in the 50s based on colonial lines and they want their own cultural area recognized.

I say fuck it - give them a state, more than half the world woudn't trade or deal with them and if they pull shit then you go to war with an actual country not an idea/ethos. Also running a country is damn hard.
Not to now say remember other people and other situations but in the same day ISIS also attacked Beirut -

I woke up to the facebook thing that announces you have friends in places where shit is going down and that they have or haven't checked in. Having friends in both places ... It's a scary world for sure.

Without opening a huge political can of worms, can anyone tell me why we can't just grant ISIS a state. I mean their tactics are deplorable, and that is a reason I understand for not recognizing them as a state, but in truth their big beef is that borders were drawn up willy-nilly in the 50s based on colonial lines and they want their own cultural area recognized.

I say fuck it - give them a state, more than half the world woudn't trade or deal with them and if they pull shit then you go to war with an actual country not an idea/ethos. Also running a country is damn hard.
The "state" that ISIS wants is called "earth" and they will not stop until they have it or are destroyed. It's time that the rational people in this world decide which it will be......
Giving them anything but annihilation will be essentially them winning and that's not mentioning the people who don't wanna have anything to do with them who would be forced to live there.
Not to now say remember other people and other situations but in the same day ISIS also attacked Beirut -

I woke up to the facebook thing that announces you have friends in places where shit is going down and that they have or haven't checked in. Having friends in both places ... It's a scary world for sure.

Without opening a huge political can of worms, can anyone tell me why we can't just grant ISIS a state. I mean their tactics are deplorable, and that is a reason I understand for not recognizing them as a state, but in truth their big beef is that borders were drawn up willy-nilly in the 50s based on colonial lines and they want their own cultural area recognized.

I say fuck it - give them a state, more than half the world woudn't trade or deal with them and if they pull shit then you go to war with an actual country not an idea/ethos. Also running a country is damn hard.

They wouldn't even be satisfied with that, it's not like israel/palestine where someone wants a recognized state, their goal is to establish an Islamic caliphate across the middle east, similar to the scale of what the Ottoman Empire had except way more violent.

No one took them as seriously as they should have in the beginning and now they've seemed to have spiraled out of control.
Sure I understand, hell even agree with both of you ... I'm in no way defending anything they have done. What I am saying though is that post WW1 when European Powers had to say goodbye to their empires many cultures and countries and whatever else were ripped up and had borders drawn all over them at the will of their departing imperialist colonizers. The agreement between the French British and Russians that carved up the region, the Sykes-Picot agreement (note 0 Arab countries, or names) is at the root of ISIS' beef.

So yeah we can't just give them New Mexico, or even allow them to set up a "state" in parts of Syria and Iraq (I would call it "Syriaq" at this point but in hindsight what has invading the region with military force gotten us? or gotten the USSR? or the French? or anyone? We (Westerners) have put up dictators and taken out popularly elected/chosen leaders all over the Middle East and South America with varying degrees of success.

That's why I say - give them a state already - because I don't see an end in the cycle of violence. Yes I'm aware that;s a very unpopular opinion and one i probably wouldn't support to this day due to the violence wrought by ISIS but I do feel like a beter solution could have been reached at many intervals before any of this had to happen.
Sure I understand, hell even agree with both of you ... I'm in no way defending anything they have done. What I am saying though is that post WW1 when European Powers had to say goodbye to their empires many cultures and countries and whatever else were ripped up and had borders drawn all over them at the will of their departing imperialist colonizers. The agreement between the French British and Russians that carved up the region, the Sykes-Picot agreement (note 0 Arab countries, or names) is at the root of ISIS' beef.

So yeah we can't just give them New Mexico, or even allow them to set up a "state" in parts of Syria and Iraq (I would call it "Syriaq" at this point but in hindsight what has invading the region with military force gotten us? or gotten the USSR? or the French? or anyone? We (Westerners) have put up dictators and taken out popularly elected/chosen leaders all over the Middle East and South America with varying degrees of success.

That's why I say - give them a state already - because I don't see an end in the cycle of violence. Yes I'm aware that;s a very unpopular opinion and one i probably wouldn't support to this day due to the violence wrought by ISIS but I do feel like a beter solution could have been reached at many intervals before any of this had to happen.
Yes. Borders were drawn horribly.

Yes. In the past better decisions/policies could have been implemented.

No. Today giving ISIS a state is not the answer. There are other groups in the Middle East for whom that would be a desirable solution. Not for them.
What I am saying though is that post WW1 when European Powers had to say goodbye to their empires many cultures and countries and whatever else were ripped up and had borders drawn all over them at the will of their departing imperialist colonizers. The agreement between the French British and Russians that carved up the region, the Sykes-Picot agreement (note 0 Arab countries, or names) is at the root of ISIS' beef.

This is not correct. The difficulty in the Middle East goes back a lot further than World War I. This is an ancient problem going back hundreds of years. The problem with ISIS is they are radicals. They are fundamentalists. They are religious fanatics. They hate you, they hate me, they hate the west, they hate Christians, Jews, they even hate other Muslims that don't follow their idea of Islam. They kill, terrorize, torture to get what they want. They are incredibly patient. They think the fight and the Jihad is a reason to die, not just the outcome. They cannot be bought, they want what they want and they will kill until they get it.

For arguments sake let's say we give them a state and they accept it. Every other radical group in the world will start their own version of ISIS's terror because, why not? Isis got what they wanted so let's copy them.