Inter Fan Fighting

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With all fairness there's a lot more to this forum than CFG and Lampard posts. I say this to every MCFC supporter. Very few take my advice.
I completely agree and this is why I love this site and am overdue to contribute to it. I would just like it to be a little more friendly to opposing views.
I don't see this problem ever going away. Better behavior is always possible and should be managed and encouraged, but flare-ups will always happen because the problem is structural.

This is totally a function of the organization. All of it. Parent ship, MC, NYC, hell, I'll even throw in Melbourne into the mix even though they did nothing but get the short end of the stick. I haven't figured out how to blame Yokohama yet but I'm working on it. They all created or bought into the construct. They all denied that there would be any meddling, trickery, or rivalries. And then they started doing all of the above immediately. My gosh, but as ridiculous as people here have been, those people are being unprofessional with respect to their jobs. In retrospect they should have decided that each club operate totally separately, with no loans, no trades, no sharing or anything for maybe 2 years. Then maybe they could have started doing things professionally but they didn't. Even the Red Bulls didn't fire Petke to ship him to Salzburg.

None of which means we should attack each other, but the organizational insiders have played the interests of one club against the other and inevitably the fans will argue with each other over that. I don't even know whose fault it is. Mansour? Pellegrini? Soriano? Reyna? Lampard? Lampard's agent? I don't know and probably never will.

And when the fans fight the fans of more than one club are going to get caught in the middle. I really don't care if pure MC fans get their feelings hurt when they come here. And in return I can take their abuse, or ignore it. It's the MC/NYC fans I pity, somewhat, but you guys chose your lot as well.

MC fans are tired of getting bashed by the NYC newbies, not just here but in the press, twitter, etc..
NYC fans are tired of hearing the same talking points repeated by the stream of MC fans who come here.

MC/NYC fans want everyone to be family and get along, but you know what? The first two groups don't want to be family or get along. I do think over time the ranks of mutli-city -brand fans will grow but there will always be a substantial number of one team fans with thin the city group who will never care and resent the implication that they should.

Yes people should behave but, then again people don't always do so. Online forums always have fights and hurt feelings and nonsense. Petty stuff gets blown up. This is just our particular version of it. This is the organization we've chosen to support. There's going to be rivalries and friction in a way that most team supporter communities don't have.

So I'm all for periodic reminders telling people to stop being jerks, and sanctions where necessary. But I think the problem is structural to the organization we follow and won't ever disappear. And we're going to have to make our peace with a certain level of friction.

Cookie burger anyone?
NOTE: I really didn't plan to write this much.
That's what gets me too. Everyone is caught up on the Lampard issue when there's so many good things going on. Half the people don't even realize we just picked up almost 10 new players in the last month. No discussions regarding those players. Villa is swept completely under the rug and the guys is living in the city and posting pictures from around it and representing us. No comments.
There's the super draft coming up in a few days and hardly much discussion over the last week. Really makes me wonder where people's heads are at. Are we ALWAYS just going to focus on the negatives. The club is going through one of its most important months and no one cares or is just so hung up on Lampard that they don't realize it.
Get off the negatives and focus on the positives. Otherwise we could win a championship and people will be complaining about something.
The news cycle is focusing on this and this is the story ESPN and fox are going to drive home during every time we are on those channels. The league CFG NYCFC MCFC and Lampard all fuck up and deserve all the shit they are getting. We should be able to tell them we are pissed and remind them we don't want this happening again, but I will say aim this at the people it should be aimed at. Also it doesn't help when MCFC fans try to say clam down. It is condescending, and lot of us are here for NYCFC alone we shouldn't be concern with what is and isn't good with MCFC especially if it is detrimental to our team. I think if people kept that in mind when coming here there will be less infighting. CFG is one thing about we are not one team one dream here, we are different teams trying to win different things.
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I completely agree and this is why I love this site and am overdue to contribute to it. I would just like it to be a little more friendly to opposing views.
There's a difference between accepting that someone has a different opinion than I do (which is great and acceptable) and someone wanting to be patted on the back for their deviant views. I'm down with the first, but feel the second is totally unreasonable.

You're fully within your rights to be a fan of both clubs. Good? Good.

But expecting people to pat you on the back for some of the stuff several other specific slash fans have said about the club to date is a bit unreasonable. Please be fair. None of us have your unique perspective, and I ask you to 1) be more patient with us who don't have your perspective and 2) have a thicker skin when people disagree with you.

I know I've been put on ignore by several on this site for disagreeing with them, and somehow, I've made peace with myself.
That's what gets me too. Everyone is caught up on the Lampard issue when there's so many good things going on. Half the people don't even realize we just picked up almost 10 new players in the last month. No discussions regarding those players. Villa is swept completely under the rug and the guys is living in the city and posting pictures from around it and representing us. No comments.
There's the super draft coming up in a few days and hardly much discussion over the last week. Really makes me wonder where people's heads are at. Are we ALWAYS just going to focus on the negatives. The club is going through one of its most important months and no one cares or is just so hung up on Lampard that they don't realize it.
Get off the negatives and focus on the positives. Otherwise we could win a championship and people will be complaining about something.

Dan, you're 100% right that there are many positives happening right now, but you have to admit that this Lampard issue is pretty huge. It's unprecedented, actually. I don't know of any other time in the history of sports something like this happening. It's a big thing, and people discussing it nonstop is expected. But I believe we're at the tail-end of this, and in not time we'll all be focusing on other things.

This is a great place, and it would suck big time if it was closed, especially when it's growing.
This will die down once the season starts and we can talk about football on the pitch. The delay in Lampard's arrival didn't dampen my excitement at all. There will be 10 other starters contributing and I'm pretty excited about David Villa.

Once the success begins on the pitch, fans will forget this ever happened.
I ask you to 1) be more patient with us who don't have your perspective and 2) have a thicker skin when people disagree with you.

I know I've been put on ignore by several on this site for disagreeing with them, and somehow, I've made peace with myself.
new here, but love it - I'm going to keep being weird

Dan: I honesty think that this is just the nature of internet forums. People are complaining and talking about this because there is nothing else to talk about at the moment since this team hasn't really played a game yet.
Yeah I hear Ya. I was referring to the riff between NYCFC fans with ties to MCFC and the rest of NYCFC fans. But I'll close this up. I think with all that's happened today things should subside a bit.
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