Khiry Shelton Is Taken Over Mls Snapchat

Guest appearance from Mix. Finally getting some initial footage of the should be upcoming reality tv show: The Blue Brothers (Mix & Khiry in NYC).
Has Mix's English always been that good? Could not even detect a hint of accent in the snapchat he was in
Has Mix's English always been that good? Could not even detect a hint of accent in the snapchat he was in

His mum is from Arizona, married a wealthy Norwegian guy and lives in Norway :cool:
Has Mix's English always been that good? Could not even detect a hint of accent in the snapchat he was in
His English has always been very good, but his accent has definitely diminished since he began playing here. It wasn't extremely strong to begin with, but speaking American English all the time has certainly had the expected effect.

Even before playing for the U.S., he spent a lot of time in AZ. He's the Mixmaster. That's all that matters.