Manchester United Fans - The Truth

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I'd rather just get rid of the 'Warzone' than start bouncing fans. This section is simply asking for trouble and allows people to take uncensored pops at each other. We should be encouraging unity among our fledgling fanbase rather than encouraging them to argue with each other.

At least if this shit started up in another part of the forum the mods would be able to get involved.
I'd rather just get rid of the 'Warzone' than start bouncing fans. This section is simply asking for trouble and allows people to take uncensored pops at each other. We should be encouraging unity among our fledgling fanbase rather than encouraging them to argue with each other.

At least if this shit started up in another part of the forum the mods would be able to get involved.
I agree.
You have the power!
Aye. If there's enough interest it's something to be considered. Until then, if anyone posts something that you think may be on the edge of, or outside the bounds of our guidelines: please report. Tell us why you are reporting and we can work on it. We are a little more leniant with Warzone but it still falls under the Forums rules.
Aye. If there's enough interest it's something to be considered. Until then, if anyone posts something that you think may be on the edge of, or outside the bounds of our guidelines: please report. Tell us why you are reporting and we can work on it. We are a little more leniant with Warzone but it still falls under the Forums rules.
At least just change it to Debate Desk. Debates are much more civil than wars! Except civil wars obviously.
I was talking about all three of you. You make the actual fans not want to be here.
So we are not actual fans of NYCFC? Once again I am judged on my being a fan of MCFC. You really are (something that would get me a stern talking to by the mods)
I think you are just being judged on being you, bud.

I am not being funny here but (and I can only speak for myself) we have the right to Support and /or follow NYCFC in exactly the same way you guys have every right to follow a Premiership team.
I admit to having slated Manchester United, and do not apologise for that, but I have never been detrimental to NYCFC on this forum.
I had my views about how the forum was ran and I aired those on Blue Moon, but I watched the forum before joining and decided that it was not actually as bad as the first impression gave. I also came to understand your need for your own identity and indeed embraced that.
I didn't join the forum initially because of my doubts but in the end I came round to 90% of your way of thinking
But in the latter part of this thread, it would appear that if someone does not have the view that NYCFC has no links to CFG (Which is not what this thread is about) then they should be removed, no debate, which I thought is what this area (Call it the debate desk if you want) is for.
I thought you guys believed in free speech over there.
If we can't put a point of view into the hat then its a bad state of affairs, the only pro City thing I have brought here was the anti United feeling most of us have, how many of you guys truly understood that before ? (Whether you care or not is a different question).
I have learned things here (like Cosmos and Red Bulls dont play in New York but in New Jersey and you New Yorkers don't like them "stealing" the New York Name.... Its the same with United so I think I comprehend your rivalry to an extent.

I think the only ones not being Civil are those that are not contributing to debate.
I'd rather just get rid of the 'Warzone' than start bouncing fans. This section is simply asking for trouble and allows people to take uncensored pops at each other. We should be encouraging unity among our fledgling fanbase rather than encouraging them to argue with each other.

At least if this shit started up in another part of the forum the mods would be able to get involved.

This is one of the reasons Dan opened up with Warzone sub. To have those incendiary discussions. I welcome them and I'd rather them happen here. Partially because we want to keep this place buzzing but also, the level of discussion here is higher. People come to the Forums because they have more than just a 'click LIKE if you agree' interest in NYCFC - just by adding those extra couple steps of typing in NYCFC.FORUMS and registering a username etc, you strain out a lot of the dregs.

Yes we have heated arguments and some trolls slip through the cracks but there hasn't been any name-calling and other less-than-mature shit slinging going on.

Eidwindir, please do not think I am having a pop, but from what I am reading there are two sides to your view.
I think that you have placed some valid arguments and do a good job, I also try to always place a valid argument in the debate, or come up with a constructive input (such as on Nicknames thread) but because someone disagrees it always seems to be take the anti MCFC view that will keep the majority happy. Sorry if you disagree, this is something I am pointing out and I do not wish to cause offence
I am not being funny here but (and I can only speak for myself) we have the right to Support and /or follow NYCFC in exactly the same way you guys have every right to follow a Premiership team.
I admit to having slated Manchester United, and do not apologise for that, but I have never been detrimental to NYCFC on this forum.
I had my views about how the forum was ran and I aired those on Blue Moon, but I watched the forum before joining and decided that it was not actually as bad as the first impression gave. I also came to understand your need for your own identity and indeed embraced that.
I didn't join the forum initially because of my doubts but in the end I came round to 90% of your way of thinking
But in the latter part of this thread, it would appear that if someone does not have the view that NYCFC has no links to CFG (Which is not what this thread is about) then they should be removed, no debate, which I thought is what this area (Call it the debate desk if you want) is for.
I thought you guys believed in free speech over there.
If we can't put a point of view into the hat then its a bad state of affairs, the only pro City thing I have brought here was the anti United feeling most of us have, how many of you guys truly understood that before ? (Whether you care or not is a different question).
I have learned things here (like Cosmos and Red Bulls dont play in New York but in New Jersey and you New Yorkers don't like them "stealing" the New York Name.... Its the same with United so I think I comprehend your rivalry to an extent.

I think the only ones not being Civil are those that are not contributing to debate.

I think what I said was perfectly civil.

Your thread had already devolved into this MCFC v NYCFC nonsense.

The idea that people here deny or resent the CFG-MCFC-NYCFC is ridiculous and untrue.

It's easy to conjure that illusion because people want their own support culture and because there are a lot of non-MCFC supporters.

The fact is there is plenty of comraderie between man city and non man city fans within the context of NYCFC.

The more I read these threads, the more I can see that it's just a clash of personalities and people just not liking each other.

And that is exactly what this sub-forum is for.

So I'm sorry that your thread has been hijacked, no matter what its intent, by this constant and senseless animosity, which I admittedly, and stupidly, make myself a part of.
I think what I said was perfectly civil.

Your thread had already devolved into this MCFC v NYCFC nonsense.

The idea that people here deny or resent the CFG-MCFC-NYCFC is ridiculous and untrue.

It's easy to conjure that illusion because people want their own support culture and because there are a lot of non-MCFC supporters.

The fact is there is plenty of comraderie between man city and non man city fans within the context of NYCFC.

The more I read these threads, the more I can see that it's just a clash of personalities and people just not liking each other.

And that is exactly what this sub-forum is for.

So I'm sorry that your thread has been hijacked, no matter what its intent, by this constant and senseless animosity, which I admittedly, and stupidly, make myself a part of.

And reading back on it I probably got suckered in a bit too.
However it does not change my view on United nor wanting NYCFC to be a success
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