TIL that Jack McGlynn is from my neighborhood. His brother Conor, who plays for Hartford, posted in a FB neighborhood group promoting their soccer training company and services. They both went through BW Gottschee Academy. Jack only makes $77.5k/$91.4k so I can see how he'd want to supplement with a side hustle. I can only imagine how little Conor makes. They do their training in the park that's 70 yards from my house.
Wondering how McGlynn ended up in the Union academy system. Wikipedia says he moved to Philadelphia and joined the Union academy in 2019 when he was 16. I don't think it was a family move. Somehow they poached him. Maybe we didn't rate him.
Conor mentioned in the post that his brother is playing in MLS Cup on Saturday and we should all watch.
People responded with congratulations.
I told them all to FRO.
Not really, but I wanted to.