Most models put PKs at about 70%.The other important thing to note about it is that it changed based on how you structure your probability model. Similar to any other model (think of fivethirtyeight vs other "prediction" models), it could vastly change on a small tweak. Which is probably why we're seeing such a variance in this case.
This is also why lots of people say to look at OTHER statistics that aren't xG, because xG can give you a false sense of a game. (penalties are i think .5 automatically right?)
And yes the competing xG models have their own formulas, so there will be disagreements, just like there are differences between different WAR models in baseball. But usually the xG numbers are pretty close. I also believe all the models occasionally adjust their formulas to keep them in line. The idea is over very large numbers total xG should = total Goals. If that gets out of whack they need to adjust.
Similarly, one model might weigh a certain shot at 6.8% based on distance, angle, number of defenders in the box, is it a breakaway, and all of their other standard factors. If over time the data shows that 7.7% of those shots end up going in, they'll adjust the model. I just don't know how often that happens.