Great minds (at least in your case), as I almost posted that as a footnote to my previous post. I think there are solutions to at least temporarily improving the YS layout related issues. One is to strategically consolidate where fans are seated. The Supporter Sections look, feel, sound incredible because (among other reasons) they are packed. The more sections that had that look and feel, the better. I would figure out our usual max - maybe 18K, and consolidate in some way, whether it's lower tier only, or whatever works best. There are other logistical issues such as longstanding STH locations, preferences for certain perspectives, etc. But I think it would help.Would Yankee Stadium look better if it was just the first tier that was opened (plus the bleachers)?
The other comment I was going to make was (fortunately) the players don't seem to be offended by the attendance numbers, and understand the challenges/limitations. They see the lively SS, they see how many supporters travel to away games across the country and the world, and also I am sure understand the dynamics of scattering supporters in such a large awkward space. I get the sense that their repeated references to having the support are genuine.