I decided to take a look at Josef Martinez's hat tricks after he tied the record. And there's no getting around how impressive completing 5 hat tricks in 34 games is, no matter how the goals are scored. But here is what I found:
- Hat Trick #1 - At Minnesota last year in each club's second game in MLS.
- Hat Trick #2 - Home against NER last year. Goal #1 in the 2'. Goal #2 a penalty 15' after a red card reducing NER to 10 men. Goal #3 a penalty immediately following a red card reducing NER to 9 men.
- Hat Trick #3 - 3 goals against Orlando at home last year in a 3-3 draw.
- Hat Trick #4 - Goal #1 a penalty 2' after a red card given to Vancouver reducing them to 10 men. Goals 2 and 3 coming in the second half against 10.
- Hat Trick #5 - Goal #1 a penalty. Goal #2 coming in the second half against 9 men. Goal #3 a penalty in the second half against 9 men.
Again, I don't intend to take a whole ton away from Josef's accomplishments. But 5 of these 15 goals were penalties, 4 goals against 10 men, 4 goals against 9 men, 7 against 11 men. (Now you can argue that some of those listed as against 9 or 10 should be considered against 11, as they were penalties that immediately followed a penalty that resulted with a red given)