N Y C F C New Hashtag #weareone

Why does EVERYTHING have to be shot down if it doesn't meet some specific set of circumstances?
Because someone somewhere on this forum or in the stands at YS is going to say this (whatever it is slogan, player, etc) is stupid, moronic, inane, wasteful or the like. Someone would even blast free tickets and beer. It's what this forum was built on.
My only criticism is that it is being used by a wide variety of people and causes already, which you can check with a simple twitter search. Charities, political causes, religious causes. It's a generic feel-good truism. Which is fine, but how does NYCFC make it it's own?
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Better hashtags...

#NYisBlue (Don't know they dropped this)

And even more copy paste

#TogetherWeAreFootball which is the NFL
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Better hashtags...

#NYisBlue (Don't know they dropped this)
Yea but your not an overpaid marketing guru for the FO thus your opinion doeant matter.
My only criticism is that it is being used by a wide variety of people and causes already, which you can check with a simple twitter search. Charities, political causes, religious causes. It's a generic feel-good truism. Which is fine, but how does NYCFC make it it's own?

That's yet to be seen.
I'll say this: it's the first "original" social media campaign that they've done all season. About damn time someone did something unique in the marketing department.
I'll say this: it's the first "original" social media campaign that they've done all season. About damn time someone did something unique in the marketing department.

False. #NYisBlue

Yes this was contrived by MLS for the derby, but damn did we run with it.
Because someone somewhere on this forum or in the stands at YS is going to say this (whatever it is slogan, player, etc) is stupid, moronic, inane, wasteful or the like. Someone would even blast free tickets and beer. It's what this forum was built on.

Don't tell me it's complimentary champagne when you and I both know it's California sparkling white wine.

I think the #weareone is their way of saying sorry we suck, but please renew your season tickets.
In the grand scheme of things that I care about (positively or negatively) this season, this isn't really one of them, but it has failed to inspire me in any way
When I first saw it on twitter Sunday I thought it was a NYC 9/11 thing that some random fan merged into his NYCFC tweet.