NYCFC Forums Press

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I'd also really jump at the chance to do something like. Like others, I don't have any extensive journalism background -- however I would love to give my all doing this alongside some of the really knowledgeable people on this forum, to learn a bit, and to really develop skills to bring information to this core group of fans. I love soccer journalism like The Blizzard that tries to ask substantive questions and provide thorough analysis instead of pumping out quotes for quotes sake. I'm a graduate student as well, so I'm extremely attentive to my writing, and try to probe deeply into issues from all sides as much as possible. I'm new to NYCFC as a STH, but I've followed MLS for a very long time (as well as soccer globally) and have become familiar with the league-specific intricacies that we've all come to love/hate. My involvement with soccer also extends to being a youth soccer coach with SBU on the fields right next to Yankee Stadium.
I would normally jump all over an opportunity such as this. But I travel a lot for work so mid-week items would be a rare chance for me. Additionally, I would be unable to do post-match events considering my usual inebriated status at our home matches.
We have an opportunity to get credentials for NYCFC press events. I think it would be great if we took advantage of this.
Neither of us admins have the means to participate. Whether it be location or obligations to other job or whatever else.
I'm asking if any members with a vast knowledge of MLS/Football are interested.
We'd be in regular communication and work together with coordinating for events. Can be multiple people.
I'd open a new press section where you can give us a rundown of events, quotes, pics, video etc after the fact.

But knowledge here is key. Someone who after a game can speak with Vieira regarding tactical changes and ask strategic questions. Not simply, 'we looked great. What did you do different?'

Also this wouldn't be a free pass to talk to players. They are very strict in regard to media-player relations. Zero tolerance for selfies/autographs lol.

Not something we have to do but I figured if anyone here wanted the opportunity and has the knowledge we can work together and bring a new perspective to the forums.

I'd gladly volunteer, but considering they're not fans of my work it would be revoked by halftime. Whoever gets it, send me a message, I'll be happy to share what I can.
I'd gladly volunteer, but considering they're not fans of my work it would be revoked by halftime. Whoever gets it, send me a message, I'll be happy to share what I can.
Why aren't they fans of your work, and how do you know? It seems as if you don't put anything out there that's a blatant rumor since you often reference needing to confirm with sources prior to posting. I get it they want to keep certain items under wraps, but in many ways you're free guerrella marketing for them - and that should secretly keep you in their good graces.
Why aren't they fans of your work, and how do you know? It seems as if you don't put anything out there that's a blatant rumor since you often reference needing to confirm with sources prior to posting. I get it they want to keep certain items under wraps, but in many ways you're free guerrella marketing for them - and that should secretly keep you in their good graces.
How do I know? I can't say exactly. The team doesn't like it because they want to control the message. They don't want to have to answer questions they don't have to about players, contracts or roster issues. I totally understand the approach but I think it's a disservice to fans who want to know about the team, they're handling it like people are out to get the club or players, which at least in my case is far from the truth.

Not surprised, NYCFCfan. League and team supported MLS reporting is essentially PR at this point, and will probably always be that way. I await the day when demand can support more independent journalism. Thanks for the service you are providing in the meantime.

Obviously the best solution would be to take up a collection to enable Midas Mulligan to quit his job and work for us but failing that . . .

As long as we are throwing names out there, how about Andres Emilio Soto ? I really enjoyed the "film analyses" he put together for a couple games last year.
How do I know? I can't say exactly. The team doesn't like it because they want to control the message. They don't want to have to answer questions they don't have to about players, contracts or roster issues. I totally understand the approach but I think it's a disservice to fans who want to know about the team, they're handling it like people are out to get the club or players, which at least in my case is far from the truth.

Well then, either you're using a pseudonym on your twitter, or NYCFC hasn't taken the time to run through their STH list and try to match names, even if it only creates a pot of 10-20 possibilities.
Well then, either you're using a pseudonym on your twitter, or NYCFC hasn't taken the time to run through their STH list and try to match names, even if it only creates a pot of 10-20 possibilities.
I was. They know by now since I applied for a pass this year but still no response. Regardless, doesn't stop me from doing something I find fun and sharing it with everyone else.
I nominate Viewfrom226. Guy has the commitment to produce material and the smarts to carry this off appropriately.
But he has his own show. It's a great show. He should have no distractions and keep making his great show. lol

Genuinely flattered by the commentary - thanks guys. While we hope to grow the show and spread the NYCFC gospel, I will always measure our efforts against the ability to keep the hardcore fan (i.e., all of us here) engaged and thinking that we are providing good content. Some serious analysis, some more light-hearted, but all done with genuine passion for the team.

JayH, you are, of course, right, that she's the incisive journalist. Just look what she coaxed out of Andre Rawls! Hope you enjoyed her interview with him and hopefully we'll get the chance to do more.
I was. They know by now since I applied for a pass this year but still no response. Regardless, doesn't stop me from doing something I find fun and sharing it with everyone else.
You're in the club's press purgatory.... make yourself comfortable because you 'aint getting sht from them.....
Not surprised, NYCFCfan. League and team supported MLS reporting is essentially PR at this point, and will probably always be that way. I await the day when demand can support more independent journalism. Thanks for the service you are providing in the meantime.

Obviously the best solution would be to take up a collection to enable Midas Mulligan to quit his job and work for us but failing that . . .

As long as we are throwing names out there, how about Andres Emilio Soto ? I really enjoyed the "film analyses" he put together for a couple games last year.

Thanks Lasker. Appreciate you thinking of me and us.
I was. They know by now since I applied for a pass this year but still no response. Regardless, doesn't stop me from doing something I find fun and sharing it with everyone else.
if they know who you are, but we don't know who you are, how will we know if/(WHEN! o_O) you are replaced by a nycfc body snatcher?
Wow the whole thing about NYCFCfan really turns me off now.
I had a 'media pass' to a friendly in FL and found any interaction with NYCFC personnel awkward and unwanted on their end.
I had mentioned before the guy that got in my face and literally grabbed Vieira away from me.
After I had mentioned that multiple NYCFC Journalists/bloggers contacted me and said the media relations team is very tough to work with and a bit douchey.. For lack of a better term.
At the end of the day it took 2 years for me to even ask for press credentials for the forum as I always wanted us to be separate from the club and to be here to support them and not get in the way. And quite frankly in those 2 years we've exchanged emails no more than a handful of times. Might be best to keep it that way. I wouldn't want us getting closer to affect how we do things here and what we say.
If we become part of the press team and they say Q&A's have to go through them it would really suck. Whereas now I contact players that follow me on Twitter and slide in Mix's dm.
I would be interested in doing something if you want. I can definitely get to almost every single training session in Purchase that they open to the media. I work full time with Dylan Butler, the beat writer.

At the very least we can get stuff during the week... Just let me know.
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