NYCFC Player Nicknames

Thank you. I have returned.
Anton Tinnerholm - Tinny
Saad Abdul-Salaam - SAS
Sebastien Ibeagha - Seb (that's what Vieira calls him)
Ebenezer Ofori - Scrooge, Eben (that's what Vieira calls him)
Brad Stuver - Hot Stove (eh?)
Ismael Tajouri - Isa (that's what Vieira calls him), Dave (a Pitchside friend told me that's what the players at Chelsea call a player with a difficult name to pronounce)
Anton Tinnerholm - Tinny
Saad Abdul-Salaam - SAS
Sebastien Ibeagha - Seb (that's what Vieira calls him)
Ebenezer Ofori - Scrooge, Eben (that's what Vieira calls him)
Brad Stuver - Hot Stove (eh?)
Ismael Tajouri - Isa (that's what Vieira calls him), Dave (a Pitchside friend told me that's what the players at Chelsea call a player with a difficult name to pronounce)
Thanks! I added them all to the list except for Brad Stuver's "Hot Stove". Any more information on that one?