Nycfc V Philly Motm & Post-match

Cause I was at the game I specifically watched him a lot off the ball, which you can't see on TV. You said why are you criticising Villa's attitude and then bring up his play. No one said he's not a good player or he's not playing good. He's the best player on the pitch, but his attitude sucks. There's Villa, than the rest of the team. Speaking of...the "rest of the team" won that game yesterday and Villa had nothing to do with it. So sometimes drive and passion trump talent.
Philly was triple covering villa last night. We need guys who are capable and not afraid to play without villa. The list of those guys are mix, poku, t Mac, and Mullins. Everyone else looks for villa on every play. Until we prove that we can be dangerous outside of villa, teams will continue to mark him out of the game.
Philly was triple covering villa last night. We need guys who are capable and not afraid to play without villa. The list of those guys are mix, poku, t Mac, and Mullins. Everyone else looks for villa on every play. Until we prove that we can be dangerous outside of villa, teams will continue to mark him out of the game.

I 100% honestly think they look for him too much because they are afraid to do something wrong on their own because he makes them feel like shit every time that happens.
I 100% honestly think they look for him too much because they are afraid to do something wrong on their own because he makes them feel like shit every time that happens.
They should feel like shit, they make some dumb ass decisions out there. Eg brovsky with his 20 bomb on a 3 on 2 with v two guys wide open. Should he not have yelled at nemec for stealing villas ball, tripping him then duffing a shot?

Henry used to get pissed at his guys too, it comes from a passion to win, and help his guys get better.
then he should go throw a tantrum in the front office to get better players

They should feel like shit, they make some dumb ass decisions out there. Eg brovsky with his 20 bomb on a 3 on 2 with v two guys wide open. Should he not have yelled at nemec for stealing villas ball, tripping him then duffing a shot?

Henry used to get pissed at his guys too, it comes from a passion to win, and help his guys get better.

Then Villa should go throw his tantrums in the front office and cry about our talent level there. Doing it on the pitch is tacky
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Philly was triple covering villa last night. We need guys who are capable and not afraid to play without villa. The list of those guys are mix, poku, t Mac, and Mullins. Everyone else looks for villa on every play. Until we prove that we can be dangerous outside of villa, teams will continue to mark him out of the game.
This is why the rumor saying DP3 will be a forward is not so bad. If we have 2 dangerous forwards they can't both be double or triple teamed
This is why the rumor saying DP3 will be a forward is not so bad. If we have 2 dangerous forwards they can't both be double or triple teamed
I like it.

No one else seems to agree with me, but I think we should just move Jacobson to sweeper and play a 3 man back line.

I think Mullins is an excellent candidate for deployment as a LM, as is Calle if he ever gets over his mysterious ailment. 3 man back line with Shelton and Mullins on the wings.

The alternative is to just tell Brovsky he's not allowed past midfield.
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Man, I can't agree more.

I have documented my thoughts on Brovsky. I just re-watched the match this morning, and he was worse than I thought. He is a damn idiot. Pretty much looked like he was the one who let Edu get behind off the free kick as well.
Eta: it's absolutely criminal that every opposing coach doesn't insist his team constantly attack Brovsky. He's suspect in literally every phase. It's really not his fault. He shouldn't be paid to play soccer.

Brovsky is a great case in point for what we're asking players to do.

I feel awful for him, cause I genuinely like him as a human being (like Saunders & Ballouchy). But he's in over his head here.

His wing play has actually had moments, but how can you be a wingback if you are useless when you get back and defend?

It always reminds me of that bit in Fever Pitch when he's talking about a player who the fans barracked for 90 minutes every match, cause he was s**t. There's a realization that the fella is a professional, and probably went through his entire life up until that point being the star of every team he played with. But this is a different level. And he just is not good enough now. That's how I feel about Brovsky.
The two players that stood out to me was Facey and Saunders. I hope Facey loves NYC and they can extend his loan that's how good he has been. And what stood out to me about Saunders was good and bad. He makes some amazing saves, but his distribution of the ball is crap.
Both of these points need to be repeated: Facey and Saunders are indispensable to us right now, and both have amazing futures. But -- as with Saunders -- let's not pretend there are no problem areas.
you give Nemec 3 pts just for starting even though his biggest contribution was stealing the ball off of Villa's foot.
That was undoubtedly awful. But this is narrow thinking. Nemec's big contributions are
1. Being a target outlet for a team that lacks the skill to build out of the back. And his headers and size for that role are actually pretty good for this team. That provides rest for the D and alleviates some work responsibility from Villa.
2. He works hard all game. That tires the D. And yes that makes a difference when Mullins enters. So credit those Mullins goals and NYC points to the combo of Nemec and Mullins. They don't occur in isolation.
Other than the fact that we won, what stood out to you guys about the game. Did anyone in an NYCFC shirt stand out to you?
One really big thing. The TMac goal. We haven't seen a strike like that all year. Otherwise we worked hard. We were victimized by an unlucky goal. We lack speed. We have poor ability to work the ball forward. But we had a great goal from a player who has rarely seen the pitch.

Also as has been mentioned Facey in CB works.

But if that TMac shot sails over the crossbar then I think this forum today would sound a lot like it has for the past several weeks.
the "rest of the team" won that game yesterday and Villa had nothing to do with it.
I couldn't disagree more. The rest of the team was playing 10v8 because they had three players watching Villa at all times. If Villa never touched the ball but drew those players away like that every game he would be deserving of motm consideration every time.

I'm not saying he was motm yesterday. But saying he had nothing to do with the win is incredibly far off from understanding the contribution he makes.

They should feel like shit, they make some dumb ass decisions out there. Eg brovsky with his 20 bomb on a 3 on 2 with v two guys wide open. Should he not have yelled at nemec for stealing villas ball, tripping him then duffing a shot?

Henry used to get pissed at his guys too, it comes from a passion to win, and help his guys get better.
Couldn't agree more. Villa and Mix are the only two guys on this roster who are indispensable. If the other guys are getting their feelings hurt, either put on your big boy pants or find another line of work.
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They should feel like shit, they make some dumb ass decisions out there. Eg brovsky with his 20 bomb on a 3 on 2 with v two guys wide open. Should he not have yelled at nemec for stealing villas ball, tripping him then duffing a shot?

Henry used to get pissed at his guys too, it comes from a passion to win, and help his guys get better.
Wasn't it actually two shots he duffed then? If you also count the one Villa was going to take, then it was 3 he dicked up in that one sequence.
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Listen. Nobody is looking to replace Villa. It's so friggin obvious that we have not one scoring option besides him. That HAS to be the #1 focus of the 3rd DP. If we can score we might just..dare I pretty unstoppable. As much as I'd love to have Pirlo... Gomez, Podolski or another bonafide finisher is what we need. I think we just saw our future CB for the rest of the year. Poku is in the fold now. Let's just get a damn scorer and stop screwing around.
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Listen. Nobody is looking to replace Villa. It's so friggin obvious that we have not one scoring option besides him. That HAS to be the #1 focus of the 3rd DP. If we can score we might just..dare I pretty unstoppable. As much as I'd love to have Pirlo... Gomez, Podolski or another bonafide finisher is what we need. I think we just saw our future CB for the rest of the year. Poku is in the fold now. Let's just get a damn scorer and stop screwing around.
Kreis makes me somewhat happy. Every week he incorporates elements of what I'd like to see the team become. Like this week with Poku in the lineup. I think CDM is perfect for him RIGHT NOW. Until he can play a full 90. He distributed the ball very well from that roll.
When mix comes back I want him and Alvarez playing on either side of the diamond. All 3 players can give you something moving forward and are dangerous. Let's be honest the only good thing tmac did all game was score that goal and Sebastian was god awful. Nemec replaced by Mullins and Wingert by Calle and you have a dangerous lineup.
Both Calle and Brovsky have shown ability to get in behind and deliver crosses into the box.
I think that's the perfect lineup for us. When Lampard arrives you can even take Mullins out and play villa up top and Lampard behind him.
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