I'm not saying I wanted Elis either, I didn't. Just that there were other options out there than Maxi.
Yeah, his signing won't hurt. But not hurting the team is something we should be shooting higher for with our DP's. The DP's we sign should be the best players in their position in the league.
true, i mean lampard situation did hurt the team. but still no one is a guarantee in this league ...someone who looks good is a top player may not even have the impact intended.
and you say shooting higher ....elis and almiron are not "shooting higher" they are definitely talented but they have yet to prove themselves as they are very good prospects. but not guarantees that they are the best DP's in the league .
and pirlo is not the best in his position in the league..he has been burned since he didnt have the help....so are you mad he is here.