Official: Pirlo Signs With Nycfc... Soon?

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If it gets announced at tomorrow's match that would be insane.
Announcers will announce what is already in the news. The team will announce when the ink is on the paper. If the reports out now are true, the real announcement will come on Thursday.

Which is a shame. They could have sold a lot of Pirlo merch at the game today.
This is not the right question. LionNYC The question is would we rather win a WC by combining with Mexico? And they do have players who could help. But would you want them?

People are greatly overstating the degree to which England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland are separate countries. They are for some purposes, but not for others. They are each member states of FIFA, but in the UN are members collectively as the United Kingdom. The same is true in the Olympic Games, where the four participate as Great Britain. You may recall the controversy around the 2012 Olympics in which England wanted to field a Great Britain team, but the associations in Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland all protested, fearing it would threaten their standing with FIFA. They actually threatened retribution against players who agreed to play for the unified team.
Well, not to embroil the forum in a political war but I don't really see Scotland staying in the union, especially if England pulls Great Britain out of the European Union as they've been threatening to do. If the next referendum is anything less than 75% instead of "only" 45% I'd be pretty surprised.

So, anyone rooting for Scotland in the 2026 World Cup yet?
People are greatly overstating the degree to which England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland are separate countries. They are for some purposes, but not for others. They are each member states of FIFA, but in the UN are members collectively as the United Kingdom. The same is true in the Olympic Games, where the four participate as Great Britain. You may recall the controversy around the 2012 Olympics in which England wanted to field a Great Britain team, but the associations in Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland all protested, fearing it would threaten their standing with FIFA. They actually threatened retribution against players who agreed to play for the unified team.
That's ok. People also greatly overstate the degree to which USA, Canada and Mexico are separate countries.
Well, not to embroil the forum in a political war but I don't really see Scotland staying in the union, especially if England pulls Great Britain out of the European Union as they've been threatening to do. If the next referendum is anything less than 75% instead of "only" 45% I'd be pretty surprised.

So, anyone rooting for Scotland in the 2026 World Cup yet?

Not to drag this topic even further off Pirlo, but although I've heard this said in other places as well, Scotland would be extremely foolish to attempt to withdraw from the union again over a withdrawal from the EU. The simple fact is that there are several other EU states with secessionist minorities (most vocally Spain, and also notably France) who are far more hostile to the idea of allowing their countries to split up, or even lose small pieces. Joining the EU requires all member states to agree to a new country joining, and simply put even if everyone else accepted them, Spain would shoot down their entry in seconds because accepting it would be like publicly announcing that their own secessionist movements should legally be allowed to secede too.

If they attempted it (and let's not forget that Parliament in London would have to agree to another referendum so shortly after the first - which they wouldn't) then Scotland would end up as an independent country with no UK bank safety net or international political security, and no EU membership which would be what they had become independent to obtain in the first place.
I think the sponsor is Windows. I say this because it probably goes along with the competition and the whole supporter section will hold up blue signs.
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