Official (random Player Name) To Nycfc Rumor Thread

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Seasoned Supporter
Apr 1, 2014
The Trap
I've seen a couple tweet mentioning Gilardino which makes me think we'll see an Onslaught of players linked to us since it seems we're the hot new girl in the room

Anyone knows how to make like the screenshot of a twit appear on the page?
Also anyone knows Italian to translate the twit? Some people are using it to say we're looking at him
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Screenshot appear here? If you have an iPhone (for example) you take a screen shot then simply upload the image here. That's how most people do it.
I've seen a couple tweet mentioning Gilardino which makes me think we'll see an Onslaught of players linked to us since it seems we're the hot new girl in the room

Anyone knows how to make like the screenshot of a twit appear on the page?
Also anyone knows Italian to translate the twit? Some people are using it to say we're looking at him
It's like that Jozy tweet about returning home. Check the NYCFC Forums, "WE'RE GETTING JOZY SEE THIS IS PROOF!". Check the RB/Metro Forums "HE'S COMING BACK GUISE! JOZY IS COMING BACK!". Check the Cosmos Forums "zOmG GUYS! YOU THINK JOZY IS REALLY GONNA SIGN?!! THIS WILL BE GREAT FOR COSMOS!!!"

The only rumor I want to believe is Mix.
Do the Cosmos really think Jozy would sign with them? Jurgen would flip out. He'd NEVER be allowed on the USA 2018 team if he joins the Cosmos....
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No rumor or anything but do you guys think Wayne Rooney will come to MLS at some point? And if he does do you think it'd be before or after WC 2018? He'll be 32 then.
No rumor or anything but do you guys think Wayne Rooney will come to MLS at some point? And if he does do you think it'd be before or after WC 2018? He'll be 32 then.

He was my favorite player in FIFA on Nintendo crossing my fingers he crosses party lines and signs up with NYC FC at some point. :)
Nailed on for Miami 2017.. ;)
I'm sure they wouldn't turn him down but I feel like Miami will go pretty hard on the hispanic/latino aspect. They need a Spanish/Brazilian/Argentinian player. I think David Villa would be a good pick up for them. Maybe Silva? Cesc? Iniesta? Aguero would be awesome. Obviously Ronaldo or Messi.

Back to Rooney, I either see him on the West coast or Northeast. This isn't wishing for Rooney either, I think he's overrated, but the Brits are heavily debating if he has anything left for the national team and he is a brand that would be good for MLS.
That said he seems to bleed English and it wouldn't surprise me if he never leaves England.
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I think all of the big names will eventually play here. The money will eventually be too much to turn down.

Except for guys like Gerrard who are national icons and not hired guns
Man, if Ronaldinho was maybe 2 years younger, I would have loved for him to join us.

Do you guys think that since we dropped a bombshell on the leauge, other clubs will be inclined to sign more high profile players?

I mean, we just stole the spotlight from the Galaxy and the Red Bulls. Especially LA. I bet they're regretting signing Omar Gonzalez as a DP.
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I mean, we just stole the spotlight from the Galaxy and the Red Bulls. Especially LA. I bet they're regretting signing Omar Gonzalez as a DP.
Gonzalez was definitely LA's backup plan. They pushed hard to sign Dos Santos, who would have been great for them, both on the field and in terms of marketing potential.

But once they realized they weren't going to sign a big name, it didn't make sense to let Gonzalez leave for nothing. It was unlikely that they would find a defender as good whose cap hit would be smaller, and after striking out with big names, they weren't using their DP slot.

Anyway, I bet the Galaxy will sell Gonzalez within the next couple transfer windows (possibly right after the World Cup) and then regain their DP spot, while also pocketing some allocation money.
Rumor is Gonzales is off to Mexico right after the World Cup.

The Salary Cap HAS to go up right? Even a 500k move would be a 1/8 increase right?

I wonder how the Columbus/Denver/RSL contingency feel about this spending wave? It's certainly not in their best interest I would imagine to have the cap go higher? They all have room for DPs.
I'm sure they wouldn't turn him down but I feel like Miami will go pretty hard on the hispanic/latino aspect. They need a Spanish/Brazilian/Argentinian player. I think David Villa would be a good pick up for them. Maybe Silva? Cesc? Iniesta? Aguero would be awesome. Obviously Ronaldo or Messi.

Back to Rooney, I either see him on the West coast or Northeast. This isn't wishing for Rooney either, I think he's overrated, but the Brits are heavily debating if he has anything left for the national team and he is a brand that would be good for MLS.
That said he seems to bleed English and it wouldn't surprise me if he never leaves England.

While agree with your reasoning, they would not attract Silva, Cesc, or Aguero in 2017 as all are world-class talents who would still be at or near their prime and would want to play for a top club in the world. Iniesta and Ronaldo, perhaps, though, as they'll be at the end of their careers but still be able to contribute.

That said, I think the MLS may be able to attract those sorts of players, in their prime, somewhere in the late 2020s. By then the standard and economies of scale will have developed to the level necessary to lead to a world competition, making the US league much more desirable and lucrative. The one thing really holding the MLS back right now is the lack of a premier international club competition a la the UEFA Champions League. I've spoken to many Americans who are not especially interested in the CONCACAF CL because there is a very low level of opponent. That is not a dig on the competition, as it is just what is available now, but it does mean the best players in the world do not see the MLS as the best means to showcase their talents. But there is a trend toward a more global structure and I think it is only a matter of time before their is a larger, more integrated club league that will operate in tandem to the domestic competitions. Once that, or something similar, occurs the MLS will become a very attractive destination.
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CONCACAF CL is awful. And MLS teams perform awfully in it.

I agree that, eventually, we will compete for talent around the world just as the EPL and La Liga do now.

What's interesting is that the money will be here, more or less, but the interest level will not. We will never overtake the NFL, NBA, MLB and College Football. Probably won't overtake the NFL, NASCAR or College Basketball either.

But the sheer economies of scale, to your point, will make the money way too lucrative. I think that's probably bad for the overall game of soccer around the world, but good for us. I think the first thing you will see is the secondary leagues around Europe - The Championship. Turkish Super League, etc. start to falter.
CONCACAF CL is awful. And MLS teams perform awfully in it.

I agree that, eventually, we will compete for talent around the world just as the EPL and La Liga do now.

What's interesting is that the money will be here, more or less, but the interest level will not. We will never overtake the NFL, NBA, MLB and College Football. Probably won't overtake the NFL, NASCAR or College Basketball either.

But the sheer economies of scale, to your point, will make the money way too lucrative. I think that's probably bad for the overall game of soccer around the world, but good for us. I think the first thing you will see is the secondary leagues around Europe - The Championship. Turkish Super League, etc. start to falter.

I agree, the English Football League (Championship, League 1 and 2) will be especially affected, as their players generally look to the US as an attractive destination already. And as the case with the Premier League, clubs need squad players, which are not superstars. These players are usually the best players from the clubs in the lower half of the table in the top leagues around the world or promising young talents from the English Championship. Once the MLS develops further the Leeds Uniteds, Blackburns, and Wigans will have an even more difficult time holding on to their best players.

That said, unlike American football and Baseball (to a lesser extent) which have very limited player bases, football (soccer) has a nearly unlimited talent pool. It is the sport most capable for supporting expansion without serious degradation of quality (imagine how long it would take the NFL to develop just one league outside of the US that could provide even a competent level of competition to say, the Cleveland Browns). Because of that, I am optimistic about MLS's future stature.
Good post. I think we agree. I understand there is more than enough talent to go around, but unless China and India start producing talent, I think you could see La Liga and Serie A eventually water down the way Ligue 1 has in France.
Good post. I think we agree. I understand there is more than enough talent to go around, but unless China and India start producing talent, I think you could see La Liga and Serie A eventually water down the way Ligue 1 has in France.

I think ultimately PSG and Monaco will have as much to do with Ligue 1 becoming a French-speaking SPL as the expansion of world competition, but I agree that China and India increasing the talent pool would help alleviate degradation.

I do worry about the corruption of UEFA and FIFA playing a large part in it, as well, though. The FFP regulations are a travesty (this coming from a man that has advocated financial restrictions to limit volatility in the football market for most of my adult life). They were devised not to assure clubs remain solvent, but to protect the elite cartel (led by Manchester United, Chelsea, Real Madrid, and Bayern Munich—two of which would not exist without either heavily leveraged cash injections, government bailouts, or both, sometimes multiples times). This influence may end up being the greatest hindrance to the MLS's growth, unfortunately.
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