Questions From A Man City Fan

I commend you @MrE for engaging us in a respectful manner. We might not agree 100% but if we discuss things in a respectful manner we can at least get an understanding of each other's opinions without resorting to petty insults or condescending comments. This topic is a perfect example of that. I truly hope there's more civil conversations like this one in the future.

Well done everyone. Have a gold star each from the mod team :)

Seriously, though, this is an interesting debate, and it's nice to see it being conducted so civilly. As I'm not US-based, though, I'll leave the opinions to the rest of you.
3. I understand you want your own identity etc, and this is controversial but I would appreciate sensible answers. (AND AIMED AT THOSE WITHOUT DIRECT TIES TO THE CHOSEN CLUB ANDTHAT HAVE SPOKEN AGAINST THE CFG CONNECTION) Why did you choose to get on board with the project when prior to its start you were aware of the CFG connection (whichever way its put this cannot be denied) and choose to try to distance yourself from it. (what I want to try to understand is, I wouldn't support a Man United Project of any kind, I have even got rid of products because of the sponsorship of Utd (eg. vodaphone). I am not accusing but I can't get past some kind of sabotage of the project (probably my own issue)
Apologies in advance for being Captain Obvious here, but in my humblest of opinions the only way this issue is ever put to rest is when we all realize and accept the fact there is a huge gulf between cultures of sports fans in the US & the UK. What fans in the UK are passionate about doesn't necessarily translate to American fans and vice versa.

Quite frankly I don't think the overwhelming number of NYCFC supporters care one way or another who owns the team. I'm not saying that to disparage MCFC in any way or to blow off what they're trying to accomplish. I'm just saying it because it's a simple fact of life.

As I've mentioned before when this subject was raised I've been a Yankees fan since 1971. Guess what? If the Henry family (Red Sox) or the Wilpons (Mets) were partners with MCFC, I'D STILL BE A NYCFC SUPPORTER! I don't think I'm going out on a limb when I say most everyone in my position feels the same. Maybe this type of ownership is important to UK fans, but I think for the most part here in NYC nobody cares.

When game time comes around I don't care if the guys next to me supports MUFC. I don't care if the guys behind me support 'Spurs. And I don't care if the guy in front of me supports Liverpool. We're all here to support NYCFC.

Again I'll say this is in no way meant to be unappreciative to what has taken place, but to the American sports fan it's a total non-issue. That's why the New Yorker who is a fan of any other team in the Premier League is on board.
Apologies in advance for being Captain Obvious here, but in my humblest of opinions the only way this issue is ever put to rest is when we all realize and accept the fact there is a huge gulf between cultures of sports fans in the US & the UK. What fans in the UK are passionate about doesn't necessarily translate to American fans and vice versa.

Quite frankly I don't think the overwhelming number of NYCFC supporters care one way or another who owns the team. I'm not saying that to disparage MCFC in any way or to blow off what they're trying to accomplish. I'm just saying it because it's a simple fact of life.

As I've mentioned before when this subject was raised I've been a Yankees fan since 1971. Guess what? If the Henry family (Red Sox) or the Wilpons (Mets) were partners with MCFC, I'D STILL BE A NYCFC SUPPORTER! I don't think I'm going out on a limb when I say most everyone in my position feels the same. Maybe this type of ownership is important to UK fans, but I think for the most part here in NYC nobody cares.

When game time comes around I don't care if the guys next to me supports MUFC. I don't care if the guys behind me support 'Spurs. And I don't care if the guy in front of me supports Liverpool. We're all here to support NYCFC.

Again I'll say this is in no way meant to be unappreciative to what has taken place, but to the American sports fan it's a total non-issue. That's why the New Yorker who is a fan of any other team in the Premier League is on board.

Not taken in offence & I fully understand your reply.

The question is not aimed towards those fans like yourself who put the EPL alligiance to one side and get behind NYC.... It is aimed at that minority who want to support a New York Club, have come to the party, but question (or half deny), either the ownership or the Man City connection or worse still want to bring other EPL "themes" to the club..... However you get behind it IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, you knew what the ownership parametres were before you chose to join the fanbase, and therefore should not question it, or the GROUP strategy. MCFC will remain part of the group whether these (few) fans like it or not. Hrve these few come along to splinter the group or do they really think the right thing to do is question the (little) history NYCFC already have. (not meant to cause offence but you do have a little history since the plans started to come to fruition the club have been doing things that is history)
Not taken in offence & I fully understand your reply.
It is aimed at that minority who want to support a New York Club, have come to the party, but question (or half deny), either the ownership or the Man City connection or worse still want to bring other EPL "themes" to the club.....
You might be disappointed to find that your target demo is incredibley small.
Its not a "target" demographic, and I appreciate its a minority.

I have other questions (some have come out of replies here) but I will formulate them and post separately.

Like I said, I come in peace, I understand why there has to be a difference. Believe me this is a culture shock to us at MCFC as well..... A whole new ball game in the world of soccer.
Its not a "target" demographic, and I appreciate its a minority.

I have other questions (some have come out of replies here) but I will formulate them and post separately.

Like I said, I come in peace, I understand why there has to be a difference. Believe me this is a culture shock to us at MCFC as well..... A whole new ball game in the world of soccer.

Mr. E,

Something is being lost in translation. Whether it's not being written well or the Manchester City fans are only seeing the fighting words... something is disconnected.

I have yet to see anywhere, myself included because I'm one of the biggest fighters, where someone is going straight at the club (unless its obvious trolling, which I was guilty of but that was directed at people I don't like and who don't act the right way.)

All of the fighting and vitriol is directed at the SUPPORTERS not the CLUB. Wanting to "separate" from the club isn't about not liking the club or its ownership. It's about having respect for ourselves here. I'm pretty sure everyone wants the club to succeed, but we want the club to succeed more than the Manchester City fans do. That's a fact. Even if its not true and you guys do care as much about the success of NYCFC, the fact IS that it cannot succeed as Manchester City USA. That's when you will dump 1000s of fans. If the supporters of NYCFC are all MCFC fans, then there is no NYCFC. Period. I think the marriage of MCFC, the Yankees, and NYCFC is perfect. It can't be a better situation. But, hearing things like "you're only a club because we allow you to be" is going to cause people to wanna get into wars.

Everything BxLio said is basically on the money. I don't support another EPL club. I support ManCity if anyone at all. I watch the league often. It's fantastic. Americans are fans of the big clubs because that's who is guaranteed to be on TV every week.