Rumor: Pirlo Linked With A Move To Palmeiras


Seasoned Supporter
May 27, 2014

Seems like a ton of BS, but posting it as an FYI. Hopefully there is nothing to this rumor. Would suck to lose him, and would make the club look like fools. Can't see how this makes any sense for Pirlo, though. Or maybe he realized that he has to deal with Kreis for another season and wants out. That would make me get the fuck out of dodge, too.
I mean...yeah it could totally HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Stupid rumor. Pirlo has seemed to be really happy here. Hanging with Villa and Lampard, and having some early success. And NYC ain't selling, even if Pirlo does cause some lineup headaches, and Sao Paulo ain't outbidding NYCFC for Pirlo's salary.
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I mean...yeah it could totally HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Stupid rumor. Pirlo has seemed to be really happy here. Hanging with Villa and Lampard, and having some early success. And NYC ain't selling, even if Pirlo does cause some lineup headaches, and Sao Paulo ain't outbidding NYCFC for Pirlo's salary.
Pirlo, who has said that being in NY is a huge reason why he came, is going to Brazil? The odds of this seem silm to none.
"The Brazilian press has seized on a report in the Orlando Sentinel suggesting Andrea Pirlo is being sized up by Sao Paulo's Palmeiras FC"

Stop the rumors immediately.

1) The article names an anonymous source.
2) The article says its featured in the Sentinel but there is not a single mention of this anywhere on the Sentinel's website. (Which does an excellent job at organizing their articles)

It's like saying, "according to an anonymous source from a story in the NY Times, Messi has a deal with NYCFC" then not only not link the story, but find that the NY Times has no mention of it.

Call the FDNY because someone's pants are on fire.
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I think a real off season will do him good. Joining midseason in a new country, new culture, small field, time change, a clueless coach, some crap supporting players, subpar refs, language barrier, etc...our excitement lead to being naive about him coming in like superman. He's shown flashes of getting better each game. He knows all this too. Starting the season in proper form, we will see a much better Pirlo. The front office needs to make some adjustments and set this team up right. I can't see him wanting to leave and can't see the team sending him off after 1/2 season. It doesn't make sense.
In other news, Fabio Cannavaro is signing with LA Galaxy when he is released from prison.

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He's not going anywhere. He'll make more money off merchandising here so whatever boost in salary they offer wouldn't be worth it. Plus being Italian in NYC... You can find plenty of places that make you feel like you're back home... No way he's leaving ;)
For the record, the article says that Palmeiras have made a bid for Pirlo. It doesn't say that Pirlo has requested the move, it doesn't say that negotiations have been opened or that they agreed a contract with him before approaching the club. There's no statement of intent from Pirlo here at all. On top of this, Brazilian clubs are well known for making ridiculous moves and broadcasting them before they're even off the ground in order to please their fans. I seem to recall Santos claiming that they had signed Robinho in 2009, a full six months before City actually agreed to loan him there, just because they knew their fans would want it to be true and they had somehow deluded themselves into thinking they were likely to be able to buy him outright. I can't remember particulars, but I've seen various cases of Brazilian clubs announcing transfers have been completed and then the "selling" club turning around to the press and saying "they haven't even approached us yet". In this case, Palmeiras aren't even claiming the deal is done, they just clearly want him.

Calm down, people. This one qualifies as "nonsense speculation".
I think a real off season will do him good. Joining midseason in a new country, new culture, small field, time change, a clueless coach, some crap supporting players, subpar refs, language barrier, etc...our excitement lead to being naive about him coming in like superman. He's shown flashes of getting better each game. He knows all this too. Starting the season in proper form, we will see a much better Pirlo. The front office needs to make some adjustments and set this team up right. I can't see him wanting to leave and can't see the team sending him off after 1/2 season. It doesn't make sense.
The rest of the league will also have an off season to see how to stop pirlo, which in MLS means foul the shit out of him and watch the ref look away

Does no one else find the crop/edit of the Orlando Sentinel teaser a bit odd? You can't completely read the text of any of the surrounding headlines or teasers, but the one immediately to the right seems to be about the SCOTUS decision on Arizona's immigration law and its impact in a presidential election year. That was in 2011-12.

The SCOTUS/immigration article points to page A17. I looked in the Sentinel's Lexis archive and found an article titled "Justices tackle immigration High court ruling on Arizona law may influence 2012 vote" that appeared on p. A17 on December 13, 2011. That's a day after the court granted cert.

This is a photoshop. You're welcome