Ok, so the following are all coincidences then:
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1) As I already pointed out, the Arizona immigration law/SCOTUS teaser points to p. A17. You can't read the entire teaser headline ("Supreme Court to we[...]/Arizona immigration") but if I had to guess, it says something like "Supreme Court to weigh in on Arizona immigration law" or something to that effect. Lo and behold, on 12/13/2011, a day after SCOTUS granted cert on SB 1070, there was an article in the Sentinel titled: "Justices tackle immigration High court ruling on Arizona law may influence 2012 vote." On p. A17.
2) There was also an article on 12/13/2011 on p. A1 in the Sentinel titled: "1ST TO WIN TOP COMMUNITY COLLEGE HONOR Valencia: NATION'S BEST." This corresponds to the largest headline at the bottom of the image which is cut off, but which you can mostly read and compare.
3) In the bottom right hand corner of the image, you can make out "St Johns [...]/district e[...]" There is an article in the Sentinel on 12/13/2011 appearing on p. A1 with the headline: "St. Johns district eyes new ethics guidelines." Again, coincidence!
4) There is no mention of St Johns, community college, or Pirlo in any recent edition of the Sentinel archives (on their website, or on Lexis) that would make that newspaper image seem credible. Despite the fact that anything and everything else in their paper is easy to locate in both archives. They must just have forgotten to upload every article in this particular edition.
And somebody who is a graphic designer can explain better why the typeface leading and image quality of the print related to Pirlo does not look correct when compared with the rest of the newspaper typeface. Not to mention the Pirlo image looks off.
If you actually read what is in that Sentinel excerpt, you will see that they are sourcing it to "an Italian report." So they didn't get their hands on it before anyone else. As to whether it's an actual rumor, sure there may very well be "an Italian report" that is independent of and has nothing to do with the Orlando Sentinel. But that wasn't really what I was discussing in my post.
Short of finding the actual Sentinal front page image from 12/13/2011, I don't know what else would convince you. Oh wait, I just did find it son:
View attachment 3442
Because unsurprisingly,
Valencia Community College wanted to tout the honor on their website.