Stadium Discussion

Heated seats. I have a friend who says he thinks they feel like sitting where someone else peed on the chair.
My first car had heated seats. A '75 Volvo 164e, still the favorite car I ever had. Bought it in the summer, and when it got cold around November or so I was first surprised, then very alarmed, and finally vastly relieved once I realized my seats were heated LOL
Way Off Topic Dept:

When I was in school in Connecticut during the mid-late 70's the then New England and not yet Hartford Whalers were still in the WHA. Fun times at the arena and the most kick ass fight song.

Brass Bonanza
I grew up in Binghamton in the 80's going to see the minor league affiliate Whalers team at the Broome County Arena. Good times.
Way Off Topic Dept:

When I was in school in Connecticut during the mid-late 70's the then New England and not yet Hartford Whalers were still in the WHA. Fun times at the arena and the most kick ass fight song.

Brass Bonanza
Did you have the cassette tape that had Brass Bonanza on one side and the audio of the Brawl at the Mall on side B?

Sad day for the Bronx Queens Hartford Harrison Bay Lake LA Rovers NoMads Wanderers FC.
As a Connecticut person I hate to admit I took the whalers a little for granted when they were here . I was more likely to go see then play the Rangers than really support and get behind the local team . Of course I was a teenager and still in high school when they left . I’d kill now as an adult to have nhl right here and not have to travel to the garden or pay New York prices for tickets .
Well, here it is, in all its glory.

Might possibly be the catchiest song in all of history. I think I saw the Whalers twice in the WHA in the 70s. Probably heard the song 8 times or so (Whalers were pretty good in the W) but that song stayed with me for like 40 years before I heard it again on YouTube.
Anyone get an email from the club today re: something about a stadium? Not gonna lie I’m pretty disappointed I didn’t get one considering I’m probably in the first 100 people to ever get a season ticket for the club.
Someone posted it in the Facebook group but it’s an in person focus group for feedback for the stadium.
They typically offer those to a small and random sampling of a different subsets of the STH base. Don't be surprised if they run several more before construction starts.
They typically offer those to a small and random sampling of a different subsets of the STH base. Don't be surprised if they run several more before construction starts.
Yes. Being in a focus group isn’t a reward for signing up early, high spend, or loyalty. The purpose of focus groups is to gather info which requires a somewhat broad cross section of customers. One group or another might be over-represented, but they can’t just take the top 400 (or however many) spenders or first 400 to sign up in 2013.
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