Totally understand. My Man City jerseys all say Thomas Cook on them but now it's Etihad. But my point is that it's still Man City regardless of what's on the shirt. Etihad is not the identity of either Man City or us, but Red Bull *is* the identity of the New Jersey team. To me that's just too weird. It's like if they renamed the Yankees to something like the Chevy's.As I stated earlier, I see no difference between having Red Bull and Etihad on jerseys. Both companies paid money, some more than others, to advertise their company in one form or another.
I don't remember which one it was but one team in England had the owner try to change the identity of the team. They were navy and white (or something) for 100 years and he changed them to red and people refused to buy the shirts or wear the new colors. Just recently, like in the past few years.
The identity is with the team, not the owners or their branding. But to me it felt like Red Bull threw out the whole team and started over.