From shortly after their inception in 1962 until the mid-90s, the Mets routinely got higher ratings and higher attendance than the Yankees comparing comparable seasons. For example, in 1985 the Yankees won 97 games, finished second and were in contention until the last weekend of the season. In 1985 the Mets won 98 games, finished second, and were in contention until the last week of the season. the Yankees attendance was 2.21 million and the Mets 2.76 million. The Yankees only started routinely outpacing the Mets in interest, attendance and ratings starting the Joe Torre/Derek Jeter era. Met fans used to taunt Yankee fans with the claim that NY was a National League town and always will be.
Since 1976 the Mets have had better attendance than the Yankees only 9 times in 40 years.
Granted the yankees have had a better run, but the Mets almost always lag in #s.
The area around Yankee stadium back in the day was far worse than the area around Shea. The old Bronx Terminal Market was shit at night.
For the last 20 years the Yankees have far out drawn the Mets. The stadium is easier to get to from NJ, Westchester and CT. also much easier to get to from Manhattan.