Stadium Discussion

May I suggest amending the thread title to let people know there is actually news? I know many avoid this thread like the plague.
if you don't love me at my 600+ pages of shitposting

you don't deserve me at my 1 day of possibly legit news

lol i know what you meant to say but damn wtf happened

EDIT: okay now i look kinda stupid because the quote came out perfect but heres how it looks on my screen:

BTW, this isn't completely out of the blue:

That pursuit apparently includes other options. N.Y.C.F.C., which currently plays home games at Yankee Stadium, and Related expressed interest earlier this year in an Empire State Development Corporation site at the Harlem River Yards, a 12.8-acre parcel on the Harlem River in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx, according to a person familiar with the discussions. And the team is investigating at least two sites in Willets Point, Queens

That's from a NY Times article from September talking about the Belmont non-site.
As someone pointed out on Reddit, this is a state RFP (the article's wording was a little unclear on that) which does suggest that maybe there was something to the conspiratorial view of the Belmont bid. It also means that the mayor will have little to no role in the project, although it will probably still have to go through the City Council for the zoning special permit*. I wonder then if Willet's was their backup the whole time, or if they feel that there are too many potential pitfalls there to make it worth their time and investment (not an unreasonable view).

*Or not, as it looks like ESD can preempt zoning rules here (h/t Gotham Gator ) . Hey, hopefully that can speed up the timeline!
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