Stadium Discussion

No, but that’s not the hypothetical. Give me a Stadium or give me death.

Imagine being sad over MLS Cup???

Next year it’s our turn boys.

It was. If we have to do the same path as DCU did for Audi, we’re waiting 20 years for a SSS like DCU just did.
It was. If we have to do the same path as DCU did for Audi, we’re waiting 20 years for a SSS like DCU just did.
The post I replied to by ManhattanValley said nothing about DCU or its path. It just mentioned the building: "If Audi Field is our best case scenario for a stadium..." When I comment on a building I don't usually incorporate "how long did it take to acquire the land" as part of my meaning.
The basic essence of Audi Field is the facility itself and location. I didn't read it as:
"If [waiting 20 years and getting nothing better than] Audi Field is our best case scenario for a stadium..."
And look, if MV did mean to include the long wait, fine. I suppose some people can't separate the building from the long wait to get it. But there's plenty of reasons to be disappointed in Audi Field apart from the wait given the compromises made after the initial design release, so unless the wait is mentioned it didn't seem part of the statement to me.

So I responded based on the text as I read it. And though I hope for something bigger and nicer, at this point after just a 4-year wait I would take Audi Field - as is - to get the job done, and to me that means an Audi Field duplicate within city limits and less than 3 miles from midtown. And if we wait 20 years I won't care what the final stadium looks like because I doubt I will remain an STH at YS that long and I'll give up my right to have my name "etched in stone" because there are no bricks and never were. I will, however, visit the new place to visit the Founding Members wall and read the 17 names etched there.
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It was. If we have to do the same path as DCU did for Audi, we’re waiting 20 years for a SSS like DCU just did.
A 20-year wait at YS is in no way comparable to a 20-year wait at RFK. RFK was configured decently, was not a shared ground, and actually had some soccer history to it. YS has better train access and better facilities than RFK (and than a certain SSS across the river, for that matter) but other than that, RFK was a perfectly reasonable place to see a match. I would trade YS not just for Audi, but for for RFK in an instant. And I would be happy with YS if we won a. Cup or a shield.

We all may hate and/or be jealous of ATL and certain of their players, but I’m glad they won yesterday, if for no other reason than that it justified their approach and set the bar for the rest of the league. This may not move us to have a good replacement for Villa or accelerate the stadium process, but it can’t hurt.
A 20-year wait at YS is in no way comparable to a 20-year wait at RFK. RFK was configured decently, was not a shared ground, and actually had some soccer history to it. YS has better train access and better facilities than RFK (and than a certain SSS across the river, for that matter) but other than that, RFK was a perfectly reasonable place to see a match. I would trade YS not just for Audi, but for for RFK in an instant. And I would be happy with YS if we won a. Cup or a shield.

We all may hate and/or be jealous of ATL and certain of their players, but I’m glad they won yesterday, if for no other reason than that it justified their approach and set the bar for the rest of the league. This may not move us to have a good replacement for Villa or accelerate the stadium process, but it can’t hurt.
RFK was fun to watch a match when the stands started shaking.
Can you post the chart of protein, xheartattacks and cholesterol and compare to other options within the stadium?
The xBowelDrainings are probably off the charts with the Stadium Sushi.... only one step up from Duane Reade Chirashi and two above gas station rolls.
They may not have been the best for your physical health, but for your mental health and your soul- always worth it.
