Stadium Discussion

Midas Mulligan the unfortunate reality is that there aren’t many influential millennial politicians. She’s become the face of the generation.

I don’t agree with her politics. But who else is discussing issues that affect a 34 year old?
Well, that depends. It’s basically a construct of middle aged media that she does.

The 34 yr olds now aren’t all of the sudden more homogeneous than ever before. People have different opinions.

Get out of the echo chamber.
Well, that depends. It’s basically a construct of middle aged media that she does.

The 34 yr olds now aren’t all of the sudden more homogeneous than ever before. People have different opinions.

Get out of the echo chamber.

It’s impossible to get out of the echo chamber. Fox News. Twitter. MSNBC.

All an echo chamber focusing on the same people and same
It’s impossible to get out of the echo chamber. Fox News. Twitter. MSNBC.

All an echo chamber focusing on the same people and same
It’s work. Too easy to tune out other opinions, too hard to find rational debate.

ETA: yeah, I know that’s not an accident. Everyone has an agenda. Pretty much none of them are what’s best for you and me. Or you and your other friend or mine. Or your folks or mine. Or your kids or mine. Etc...

ETA 2: this is supposed to be good
Leadership? She practically always comes off as a left-wing Trump. It’s embarrasing that these people get elected. That isn’t smart or cute or even creative.

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Probably people here I’m friends with who will be upset over my views on this. To that I would say, “see?”

Sit down and talk issues with people who don’t choose the same brand pair of shoes as you. You’re likely to see they walk many of the same roads. Something else just feels a little more comfortable. It doesn’t make you mortal enemies.

That pretty much sums up why I despise hostility driven politics. No one takes the time to engage anyone beyond their “base”. It’s nauseating and very much lowest common denominator politicization of social problem solving.

To give you an Alexander Donald Cortrump: I literally can’t even.
One of the first champions of minimum basic income? Noted left-wing President Richard Nixon.
First President to also fund cancer research.

Nixon was a great President (aside from Watergate) - My AP US History exam essay thesis

Also the first environmentalist president. Go Nixon!

Wait. Shit. Does this all mean that in a few years we'll look back and say Trump minus the corruption was actually a really great president?
It’s why I’ve given up on voting. It’s all bullshit. I will not grant tacit approval to these morons by casting a vote for any of them.
Sorry Midas. To me, this is bullshit. If you think they are all the same or all morons or all running on hostility you aren't paying attention or you are being intentionally obtuse. This is the kind of moral equivalency that is just as toxic as the hostility.

There are great candidates out there, at the local, state and national level. And even in races where there aren't great candidates, there are still better and worse options.

I guess what I'm saying is - to you and everyone else - get off your ass and vote.
Sorry Midas. To me, this is bullshit. If you think they are all the same or all morons or all running on hostility you aren't paying attention or you are being intentionally obtuse. This is the kind of moral equivalency that is just as toxic as the hostility.

There are great candidates out there, at the local, state and national level. And even in races where there aren't great candidates, there are still better and worse options.

I guess what I'm saying is - to you and everyone else - get off your ass and vote.
Better or worse or more aligned with your favored special interest groups?
Also the first environmentalist president. Go Nixon!
Nixon was very right wing on international policy and a fervent anti-communist.

On domestic policy he was -- well let's say at least shaded to the left to a significant degree on some but not all issues, putting into place: The Clean Air Act, affirmative action, an expansion of social security benefits, the original version of the AMT, OSHA, plus he imposed wage and price controls over the entire US economy via executive order. You can make a list of conservative things he did too, even outside of international policy. He was a straddler. But to point to any individual left-ish domestic policy and expect surprise that Nixon supported it only works if one's audience is ignorant.

Only Nixon could go to China makes sense. Even Nixon supported UBI, not so much.

Does this all mean that in a few years we'll look back and say Trump minus the corruption was actually a really great president?

Pretty much every president has been reviled as a dangerous extremist by his enemies while in office, then granted strange new respect when the next president from that party gains the office (or even the next candidate), and used as a cudgel to bash the current dangerously extreme occupant.
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Sorry Midas. To me, this is bullshit. If you think they are all the same or all morons or all running on hostility you aren't paying attention or you are being intentionally obtuse. This is the kind of moral equivalency that is just as toxic as the hostility.

There are great candidates out there, at the local, state and national level. And even in races where there aren't great candidates, there are still better and worse options.

I guess what I'm saying is - to you and everyone else - get off your ass and vote.

Feel weird talking politics in here... But this thread always go to different subjects... Its our frustration with no real stadium news.

Im just going to put my 2 cents here... We should move elections to weekend (sunday) or make it a national holiday like other countries... So we have more turnout. I think i read election day in the US was chosen during a time when most folks lived or were farmers.
Feel weird talking politics in here... But this thread always go to different subjects... Its our frustration with no real stadium news.

Im just going to put my 2 cents here... We should move elections to weekend (sunday) or make it a national holiday like other countries... So we have more turnout. I think i read election day in the US was chosen during a time when most folks lived or were farmers.

We should be able to vote online with an 800 number like American Idol. That would require some type of verification which could help stop all the voter fraud.
Not everyone believes in special interest groups. Just like in National Treasure 2, there are some Nick Gates true beliebers out there
Totally debatable except for the all of those public records showing the billions they spend influencing politics. Must have been the repetillan secret masons illuminati overlord having us huff chem trails.
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