Stadium Discussion

Google Maps tells me this isn't in New York City...

exactly. Belmont is way out there. Even if there was a state of the art stadium there for us, I would probably cancel my season tickets and attend a game once in a blue moon. way too far and too much of a hassle to even try.

plus, look at that thing. U-G-L-Y.
exactly. Belmont is way out there. Even if there was a state of the art stadium there for us, I would probably cancel my season tickets and attend a game once in a blue moon. way too far and too much of a hassle to even try.

plus, look at that thing. U-G-L-Y.
I happen to thin the design for the new belmont arena is really cool; it just isn't yet complete....
Well, it does not sound like there has been any progress on the stadium since earlier this year. The City: Yankee Stadium Parking Lot Woes Block Soccer Field Goal, Cost Taxpayers Millions (12/7).

The part of this article that is new to me is a July letter from a Yankees lawyer to the bank that is trustee for the parking lot bondholders, pointing the finger at the parking company. I don't recall if the EDC's threat to terminate the parking lot lease is new or not (quickly checked a couple of the Outfield stadium articles and didn't see it mentioned). Also since the February NYT article, the Bronx community board district manager and CM Ayala's office are quoted as saying they haven't heard or seen anything
Well, it does not sound like there has been any progress on the stadium since earlier this year. The City: Yankee Stadium Parking Lot Woes Block Soccer Field Goal, Cost Taxpayers Millions (12/7).

The part of this article that is new to me is a July letter from a Yankees lawyer to the bank that is trustee for the parking lot bondholders, pointing the finger at the parking company. I don't recall if the EDC's threat to terminate the parking lot lease is new or not (quickly checked a couple of the Outfield stadium articles and didn't see it mentioned). Also since the February NYT article, the Bronx community board district manager and CM Ayala's office are quoted as saying they haven't heard or seen anything

The effort to build the NYCFC stadium is like the effort to develop nuclear fusion.


CFG appears to be on the "actual funding" line below the "stadium never" line.
The part of this article that is new to me is a July letter from a Yankees lawyer to the bank that is trustee for the parking lot bondholders, pointing the finger at the parking company. I don't recall if the EDC's threat to terminate the parking lot lease is new or not (quickly checked a couple of the Outfield stadium articles and didn't see it mentioned). Also since the February NYT article, the Bronx community board district manager and CM Ayala's office are quoted as saying they haven't heard or seen anything
Yes, that section is both new, and troubling (and a bit mysterious) as the reasons why the Yankees are blaming the parking company are not provided.
And the lack of movement since January is just, you can't even get upset any more. I know this was a challenging year, but the reporting is not that NYCFC tried but the city and local groups refused to move forward or meet with them. Instead, we're hearing from city officials and local groups that the stadium project proponents took the year off.
The extremely popular and active"DISBoards," a forum devoted to Disney World, Disney Land, and all other things DIS, now has its own NYCFC Stadium thread in its vast Off-Topic section. I find this much more amusing than I should. To be fair, it is really an NYCFC/Revolution stadium thread, complete with poll, has already digressed into discussions of the Union and Crew, and probably will lose steam fairly soon as off topic threads often do, but there it is.

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Sounds like Bronx Parking can scuttle the whole deal. I just don't understand why the city can't just terminate their lease on the garages. They clearly are losing money hand over fist and won't be able to pay the debt owed. The city can turn a huge negative into a positive for the community.
Bronx Garages appear to believe they have hold up value - i.e. they can threaten to scuttle the deal unless they get some kind of sweetener. If that's true, they get sweetened, if not, they get crushed. I think people are figuring out whether they actually have hold up value.

I don't think this kills the deal.
Bronx Garages appear to believe they have hold up value - i.e. they can threaten to scuttle the deal unless they get some kind of sweetener.
I took that away from the article also, but it makes no sense. The garage owners can't possibly get anything out of this. When the garage(s) get bought, first in line are debtors: the bondholders have first priority, then the government for back taxes owed. The last people to get any payment, as with any insolvent entity, are the actual owners. I don't see how the garage ownership can expect that a deal would either (1) pay so much that the bondholders and government are both paid in full with money left over, or (2) bypass these clear rules of priority and grant anything to the garage owners even though the bondholders and government are not paid in full.
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Maybe this is by choice? If CFG knew that this year would be a dead year for progress, maybe they calculated that additional conversations with the community board may have more downsides than upsides. Yes they need a good relationship with the board, but by getting together with them to discuss substance multiple times, all they are doing is inviting more demands from the community. Might make sense if you're approaching this from a negotiation perspective rather than a collaborative perspective. Better than the alternative explanations of understaffed, underbudgeted, and incompetent.
I’d be interested in SoupInNYC take on this
I think its perhaps along the lines of what sbrylski laid out above.

Based on the various meetings I've attended, I've gotten the sense that CB4 is wanting to have discussions on this, and wanting the developers to bring these items to them, but I'm guessing the developers are hesitant to do so until they have their ducks in a row. (I'll also clarify that I haven't been able to talk about this with the developers or those involved on the club side since none of them like to discuss this at all. I've reached out and sent specific questions over, but those haven't been addressed at all.)

Some of those items I think they want to have "ready" are things such as the NYSDOT issue that we had in the last Outfield piece. It seems like something they can work out, but I'm sure they would feel a lot more comfortable engaging discussions with CB4 if they had other items "locked down".

The good thing about this, is that CB4 has been proactive in identifying certain items that they will want as part of this development. So while direct communications between the developers and community haven't occurred since last January, the ULI TAP report as well as CB4's acceptance of those recommendations in their October meeting can at least "communicate" to the developers on certain items they would like to see in any proposal that comes their way.