Suarez And Real Madrid?


Elite Donor
Seasoned Supporter
Apparently Real Madrid are prepared to make an offer to Luis Suarez of Liverpool.
That's a real tough one for Liverpool. Unless Suarez is ready to go, I can't see them being ok with going into the UCL without Suarez. They need to improve their defense to be sure, but the loss of Suarez won't counter the gains they can make.
RM being my first love, I've dreamed of that happening for months. Do it futbol gods!
That would be awful. He's seemed to really take to the Kop. I hope it's not all just PR. He's the centerpiece of Rodgers' tactics, and I'm looking forward to having SSS for quite a few more years.

I would be crestfallen if he is sold for anything less than record money.
I really don't see that happening.
Suarez WANTS to be the center of a team. He feeds off of that. This wouldn't be the case at Real and I don't think the team needs him either.
ESPN knows very little of the sports they cover outside of NBA and NFL.
I only tune to their channel when there is a sporting event on.
This may well count as Real making one last throw of the dice before the collective bargaining agreement on TV rights kicks in from 2015 (although both Real and Barca deliberately broke the rules and therefore have an extra year with their own TV deals). They each make around £150-200m (probably up to around $300m) from those deals per year. That definitely won't be the case when all TV money has to be split between all clubs in the league...
If Liverpool didn't actively deceive Suarez last season he would've been off to Arsenal. Dippers should be worried
If Liverpool didn't actively deceive Suarez last season he would've been off to Arsenal. Dippers should be worried
Dippers? Now that's not very nice is it?

There was no deception, just an unwillingness to sell for far less than the man is worth.
That! That's a funny one. An independent panel reviewed the contract and the release clause and ruled on the side of Liverpool. General consensus was that Henry was misquoted or playing the big guy on that one. Either way it's hard not to trust the independent panel.

Dippers was a really shitty thing to come out with too man. I really hope you think about what you want to say a little more in future.
Dippers was a really shitty thing to come out with too man. I really hope you think about what you want to say a little more in future.
Are you serious? Utd= rags, MCFC = Citeh, Liverpool = dippers, Chelsea = rent boys, Everton = toffees. It's called banter. Would you rather the red scouse bastards? How is RedCows acceptable on here but dippers is not? Jesus, some of you are really sensitive
Are you serious? Utd= rags, MCFC = Citeh, Liverpool = dippers, Chelsea = rent boys, Everton = toffees. It's called banter. Would you rather the red scouse bastards? How is RedCows acceptable on here but dippers is not? Jesus, some of you are really sensitive
You're throwing out derogatory nicknames and team nicknames and calling them the same thing. Evertonians call themselves toffees, they love it. Liverpool fans and Scousers in general don't appreciate being called bin dippers by half wits like you.
Grandsolo - the "dippers" term may not seem that offensive but clearly it's an emotive subject for some Liverpool fans, so for the sake of civility, please avoid using that term, or similarly any other nickname likely to cause offence. This is a forum with a high volume of fans with pre-existing Premier League allegiances, and terms usually used privately on those clubs' forums to mock other fans were never likely to go down well here. I'm sure there's plenty of other - less offensive - nicknames that can be used without making your point any less valid.

Kindly return this discussion to the original issue and let's leave the discussion of club nicknames for another time and place, please?
I think Suarez has this teams destiny all in his hands. If he stays it's more likely Rodgers can keep all centerpieces together for next year and even add quality so the team will be even stronger. If he leaves I don't know if young players like Coutinho, Sterling or Sturridge see enough perspective on this roster to spend their future in Liverpool. Losing Suarez would be even a heavier defeat than still losing this championship to City