I will be coordinating an MLS Survivor Pool. I am only announcing it here but you can invite friends. I will probably cap the pool to the first 200 replies. I am not even sure if I will have that many join, but I don't want to spend every Monday sifting through more than 200 emails.
Here are the rules:
1) To enter you must send a request to join the pool to me at Forumssurvivorpool@gmail.com.
2) Each week beginning March 2, 2015 any entrants must email me their chosen team for the week. Entries must be received by 6pm EST. If a team is playing two games in any given week, you must clarify which opponent you are picking against. If no opponent is specified than the first game of the week will be counted as the entry.
3) You may only choose each MLS team once. If there are still multiple participants after week 20 then the list will reset and all teams will be available for entry.
4) If your entry team wins then you are credited with the win. If your loses then you are credited with a loss. This will be a two-loss elimination league. That means after two losses you are eliminated from the league. Regardless if you are credited with a win or a loss, you may not choose any team more than once until after you have chosen every team for at least one week.
5) If no entry is received on time, again by Monday 6pm EST then you will given a loss.
6) Winner will be the last entrant not eliminated.
7) Prize is still TBD. I am thinking either an NYCFC cap or t-shirt. It depends on if I get something donated by the team or not. If not then I will buy a cap or t-shirt and send it out to the winner.
Any questions, send them to me at forumssurvivorpool@gmail.com.
I will update this thread each week with the list of entries and players in an excel spreadsheet. Hopefully it will be easy to include in the post.
Let's have a fun season.
Here are the rules:
1) To enter you must send a request to join the pool to me at Forumssurvivorpool@gmail.com.
2) Each week beginning March 2, 2015 any entrants must email me their chosen team for the week. Entries must be received by 6pm EST. If a team is playing two games in any given week, you must clarify which opponent you are picking against. If no opponent is specified than the first game of the week will be counted as the entry.
3) You may only choose each MLS team once. If there are still multiple participants after week 20 then the list will reset and all teams will be available for entry.
4) If your entry team wins then you are credited with the win. If your loses then you are credited with a loss. This will be a two-loss elimination league. That means after two losses you are eliminated from the league. Regardless if you are credited with a win or a loss, you may not choose any team more than once until after you have chosen every team for at least one week.
5) If no entry is received on time, again by Monday 6pm EST then you will given a loss.
6) Winner will be the last entrant not eliminated.
7) Prize is still TBD. I am thinking either an NYCFC cap or t-shirt. It depends on if I get something donated by the team or not. If not then I will buy a cap or t-shirt and send it out to the winner.
Any questions, send them to me at forumssurvivorpool@gmail.com.
I will update this thread each week with the list of entries and players in an excel spreadsheet. Hopefully it will be easy to include in the post.
Let's have a fun season.