The Forum Auto Correct of NY-RB (w/o the hyphen) to NJRB Is Bullshit

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Does he really want to come back? As NYCFC_Dan NYCFC_Dan accurately points out he didn't really handle his dissatisfaction in a way that would have allowed any attempt at a resolution. He just exploded and left. The level and rate of escalation is just bizarre. What is Dan to do? Changes the filter, plead with him to come back and then we can all tip toe around until the next explosion?

I know this is very cynical but does it really seem possible that he was totally unaware of the filter until now? Especially considering how active he went out of his way to show us he was? For any of the active posters on here ask yourself how many conversations you have seen where someone discovered the filter and we all had a good laugh? I'm not going to search around but I have to have seen it at least 5 times. It happens in almost every RB pre-match and post match thread. Sad to see him go, and I respect his opinion but this whole thing is just strange and feels very fabricated.
Maybe you're right. I intentionally got myself banned from super double-secret messageboard I was on for several years because 1) I was on it too much and 2) I decided that the closed nature of the board was killing the objective and intelligent discussion regarding the topic of the board. I don't think that's the case. But it may be.

Because there's really nothing I feel that strongly about that could happen on this messageboard, I have a hard time understanding how he didn't know, and why he didn't leave room for any middle ground. That's why I thought he was joking, as the nature and tone of the messages didn't seem like normal posts from him. I'd have expected he approach a little differently. I mean, if getting around it is as simple as using a hyphen, it's really not much of an edit at all.

To clarify, I never took this joke as being "NJ the state sux", I took it as a dig at RBNJ clinging to NY as a marketing ploy.
Regardless of the issue, I think it's totally possible he had no idea of the filter. I have been a member since October and although can be considered a "newb" I have been active since joining. I had thought people quoted NJRB as a gag and just followed suit. I had no idea about the filter until yesterday.
I use RBNJ anyway, so it didn't impact me.
Wow. Just wow. I've been pretty busy lately with non-Pigeon related things and not posting as much, so a little slow on this one. mgarbowski mgarbowski has always been on of the more reasonable posters here. And he always contributes some amazing analysis. I've also hung out with him a couple times in person, and is a good dude. I personally thought the filter was all in good fun and liked it. I always type that anyway. This was an overreaction by him that could have been better handled in private. And maybe it can still be. It's sad. Maybe after some time to calm down, he comes back. Who knows... This is all just a sad day for the forum. Can we get him & NYCFC_Dan NYCFC_Dan to make a pact that if we win the MLS Cup all is forgiven and he comes back?
Wow. Just wow. I've been pretty busy lately with non-Pigeon related things and not posting as much, so a little slow on this one. mgarbowski mgarbowski has always been on of the more reasonable posters here. And he always contributes some amazing analysis. I've also hung out with him a couple times in person, and is a good dude. I personally thought the filter was all in good fun and liked it. I always type that anyway. This was an overreaction by him that could have been better handled in private. And maybe it can still be. It's sad. Maybe after some time to calm down, he comes back. Who knows... This is all just a sad day for the forum. Can we get him & NYCFC_Dan NYCFC_Dan to make a pact that if we win the MLS Cup all is forgiven and he comes back?
I'm not holding any grudges here. He's more than welcome to post but I'm not removing the filter that pokes fun at our rivals.
Who knows what was in his head. I will miss his analysis and knowledge base.

Odd correlate, in a thread I created after our last home game it seemed that he misunderstood (and/or I poorly communicated) the intent of the thread and threatened to leave the forums over what that thread might become.
Count me out. I don't care what causes or issues you promote, I want no part of it. I hate when people try to take a solid well-functioning organization or community and expand it into areas unrelated to its core purpose. It causes unnecessary dissension and departures. I might leave preemptively.
As others have speculated, maybe this was a departure looking for a reason. Only Garbo knows for sure.
This is like a wake where I'm not dead and can read what people say about me. Fascinating. But to be honest I mostly just skimmed unless you tagged me or unless we met in real life, because it became clear that the thread now consists mostly of people who write under pseudonyms or their first name only telling me I over-reacted to what gets presented to the world under my real and very easily identifiable name. I must have complete control over that. If you lack the conviction or courage to write on that basis I really don't respect what you have to say on the topic. I do respect the usage and recognize there is sometimes need for pseudonyms, but you don't get to tell someone he is too concerned about what goes out under his real name while hiding who you are. That is way, way too rich.
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This is like a wake where I'm not dead and can read what people say about me. Fascinating. But to be honest I mostly just skimmed unless you tagged me or unless we met in real life, because it became clear that the thread now consists mostly of people who write under pseudonyms or their first name only telling me I over-reacted to what gets presented to the world under my real and very easily identifiable name. I must have complete control over that. If you lack the conviction or courage to write on that basis I really don't respect what you have to say on the topic. I do respect the usage and sometimes need for pseudonyms, but you don't get to tell someone he is too concerned about what goes out under his real name while hiding who you are. That is way, way too rich.
Following your template then.... rpalmer here. I reiterate that you just take it for what it is, a joke on our rivals and to just enjoy the Forums. If you can't do that then we will miss your posts but I am sure that the forum will still carry on. Hope that you reconsider.
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