A lot of people are coming to this thread and saying things like, "get over it" or "just forget it." Personally I thought the NJRB "autocorrect" was somewhat amusing and in the spirit of the board. But neither of those things matter at all. What matters is that
mgarbowski strenuously objected to what he seems to have been unaware of, and it looks like he felt was a violation of his trust that what he said here would stay as he said it. Period.
I'm not in his head nor have I talked to him about it so I can't claim with certainty that that's what he felt but that's what it looks like to me. He felt violated. And when that happens the only proper response is to say you understand. Pretty much the only decent thing to say is, "wow, that sucks," or perhaps, "man, I had no idea anyone would react this way so let me think about this."
If your kid's getting hassled at school over something or hates a teacher you don't say, "chin up, kid, everything will be fine." No, what you say is, "jeez, that stinks, that must feel pretty crappy." You don't deny and invalidate how they feel, you instead acknowledge their feelings, and if they're young maybe help them understand what it is they're feeling. You *don't* say, "tough shit kid, get over yourself."
So even if not one single person agrees with
mgarbowski about this, to have dozens of people come on here and pile on saying it's stupid for him to feel that way just plain sucks. It's how he felt about it, and that should have been considered rather than having it be summarily dismissed. And now instead of this being an amusing incident, one of the most frequent participants is now maybe gone (which I think was his point in posting that screenshot).
Nobody's right or wrong here, but a simple acknowledgement of how
mgarbowski felt about it might've gone a long ways to keeping this just as the small thing it should've stayed as.