My first experience at new Yankee stadium today was also my first experience at a soccer game. It was also another experience that cemented in my mind that there are too many female sports fans with big mouths who rely on men to defend their mouth.
After today's dismal game, my friends and I were on our way to an elevator to leave when a girl comes up to me and said "good game". As she started to extend her hand she added " not really " in a clear trolling attempt. I responded how it was funny that red bull fans get big chests over beating a first year team especially considering they've never won anything meaningful.
The conversation continues and I bring up the hypocrisy of their fans wearing those mocking "Man City Lite" shirts...especially considering Energy Drink FCs history of buying teams and erasing their history and culture. Someone in the elevator tried to say Man City does it too, but I reminded them that Nycfc is a new team and that Melbourne City still has their culture and original colors in their away kit. Their crest also represents the area..and wasn't a total rape and carbon copy rebrand like Red Bull does.
What was her retort? She started a "winners losers" chant in the elevator and brought up the Supporters Shield as if its equivalent to winning a cup. 20 years and no cups and these trolls are high and mighty from winning games off a first year expansion team.
Once we got off the elevator her friend, another girl, starts getting in my face belligerently questioning why I support Nycfc and not Red Bulls. She's arguing with me and even put her hands on me to try and hold my attention at one point. I'm seriously wondering "wtf is wrong with this chick?"
I explained that their location and marketing is why fans never gravitated in mass to Rbny like they did with Nycfc. Her response? She brings up the NY Giants who have played in the city limits before and have a rich tradition that isn't wiped out by a selfish marketing brand. I then tell her she knows nothing of Giant team history and tradition and she had little more to say but again claimed she is knowledgeable. And then she tried bringing up the supporters shield as well.
Then the first girl comes back and tries to squash the beef and offer a truce hug. I went to hug her and in comes one of her guy friends who had been trying to egg things on the whole time(talking big shit in the background during the whole exchange). He gets between us and tries pushing me back thinking that me and her were still upset. We argue for a second...he calls me puto and then my friends see this and gets in between all of us.
Things finally diffuse and a few minutes later we saw that same group almost getting into a fight with another group of Nycfc fans. A third girl from their group had to be "held back" by her friends. You know what I mean...the way someone acts like they want to start some mess and act tough only because they know their friends will prevent them from walking into a sure beatdown from 15 rival fans. A cop car had to drive up to prevent a ruckus.
Until the end of the game all of the fans seemed fine except for the usual ribbing you see at sport rivalry games. It's a damn shame the complex some Red Bulls fans have despite their lack of true history and never winning anything themselves. Hell most of them were at a loss for words when I brought up how their parent company rapes teams around the world of their history and completely reboots them.
But hey these gals wanna troll and start fights. Now I know I'm generalizing female fans...but I've seen women act like this often...especially in my experience with sports. People need to stop this stupidity and have some class. Or else they will end up in trouble with the wrong person. Hopefully my next game doesn't end with trolls.
After today's dismal game, my friends and I were on our way to an elevator to leave when a girl comes up to me and said "good game". As she started to extend her hand she added " not really " in a clear trolling attempt. I responded how it was funny that red bull fans get big chests over beating a first year team especially considering they've never won anything meaningful.
The conversation continues and I bring up the hypocrisy of their fans wearing those mocking "Man City Lite" shirts...especially considering Energy Drink FCs history of buying teams and erasing their history and culture. Someone in the elevator tried to say Man City does it too, but I reminded them that Nycfc is a new team and that Melbourne City still has their culture and original colors in their away kit. Their crest also represents the area..and wasn't a total rape and carbon copy rebrand like Red Bull does.
What was her retort? She started a "winners losers" chant in the elevator and brought up the Supporters Shield as if its equivalent to winning a cup. 20 years and no cups and these trolls are high and mighty from winning games off a first year expansion team.
Once we got off the elevator her friend, another girl, starts getting in my face belligerently questioning why I support Nycfc and not Red Bulls. She's arguing with me and even put her hands on me to try and hold my attention at one point. I'm seriously wondering "wtf is wrong with this chick?"
I explained that their location and marketing is why fans never gravitated in mass to Rbny like they did with Nycfc. Her response? She brings up the NY Giants who have played in the city limits before and have a rich tradition that isn't wiped out by a selfish marketing brand. I then tell her she knows nothing of Giant team history and tradition and she had little more to say but again claimed she is knowledgeable. And then she tried bringing up the supporters shield as well.
Then the first girl comes back and tries to squash the beef and offer a truce hug. I went to hug her and in comes one of her guy friends who had been trying to egg things on the whole time(talking big shit in the background during the whole exchange). He gets between us and tries pushing me back thinking that me and her were still upset. We argue for a second...he calls me puto and then my friends see this and gets in between all of us.
Things finally diffuse and a few minutes later we saw that same group almost getting into a fight with another group of Nycfc fans. A third girl from their group had to be "held back" by her friends. You know what I mean...the way someone acts like they want to start some mess and act tough only because they know their friends will prevent them from walking into a sure beatdown from 15 rival fans. A cop car had to drive up to prevent a ruckus.
Until the end of the game all of the fans seemed fine except for the usual ribbing you see at sport rivalry games. It's a damn shame the complex some Red Bulls fans have despite their lack of true history and never winning anything themselves. Hell most of them were at a loss for words when I brought up how their parent company rapes teams around the world of their history and completely reboots them.
But hey these gals wanna troll and start fights. Now I know I'm generalizing female fans...but I've seen women act like this often...especially in my experience with sports. People need to stop this stupidity and have some class. Or else they will end up in trouble with the wrong person. Hopefully my next game doesn't end with trolls.