Uniforms -- What's Everyone Hoping For?

It's an American forum. I will continue to use the British terminology, but you kinda have to just get used to Americans using the American words. It's not going to change, and they are hardly going to apologise just because the words sound a bit silly to us.

I know you ain't from 'round here son but I think you misspelled apologiZe.
Personally, I'd LOVE to see something like this years Netherland's Jerseys. They are quite possibly the best looking kits I have ever seen. Those and Man Citys away this year are just BEAUTIFUL
Got a concrete jungle monkey to don the uniforms I'd like to see. Looks like he likes 'em too! :cool:


Seeing the new kits Adidas is putting out for Bayern and Barca and Chelsea it looks like a kind of two-color kit is unavoidable.
I'm not sure how much say Adidas has, I rather think NYC's board will call the shots on the uniform. And Barça is of course not with the 3 stripes but with Nike...

Anyway, the reason why I'd like to see them pair their set up with orange socks is because I think a combo of blue top, white shorts, orange socks would be very unique and recognizable. There's tons of teams with blue shirts and white shorts and socks around the globe (Man City, Lazio, Marseille, Zenith, ...) but I haven't seen one with orange socks yet. You'd be able to see them from a distance and say "yeah, that's NYC"! :)
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I know the colors on the jersey don't really match the colors on the logo but man those early 2000 Lazio kits were sick. Especially the white one.

Would love to see NYCFC use style and color scheme. Too bad it'll be some generic Adidas jersey..

Loving the color schemes. I'd love to see some sort of design (skyline?) besides just traditional colors.