If you assume the highest ranked team in each pre-tournament playoff prevails, then the average ranking of each group ranges from 14.75 to 29.75 (a lower number is harder).
We are in the 14.75 group. The lowest ranked team in our group would be a 21. Three groups have average rankings lower than that. I know the rankings aren't perfect, and I don't think this is an impossible group, but putting Wales and Ukraine in Pot 4 did screw us over. You can't say that barring a catastrophe we definitely finish ahead of Team X, and just need to finish ahead of 1 of the other 2.
Mexico's group is third weakest by rankings with a 22 average. Rankings aside, I think you and I disagree about Poland. But honestly I'm looking forward to the Poland Mexico matchup, which I see as 2 teams sort of running on fumes of reputation and rankings, to see who comes out ahead.
By rankings, Group D is second toughest at 17.5. Peru being in Pot 4 is ridiculous, though I don't see a solution. I understand why the playoff teams have to be there.
Again, I have all sorts of beefs with the rankings. But not having a true Pot 4 team in the group hurts. If I try to put a positive spin on it, which I almost believe, I would say that there's a better chance that the Pot 3 and 4 teams split, and maybe one of them takes down England. But they could do it to us, too.