Regarding Italy vs. Spain - I understand if fans have a particular rooting interest and respect that. However, for the casual fan there is only one result to root for, and that is for Spain to beat the ever loving shit out of Italy. I want the program that has respect for our domestic league and the nuts to call in David Villa to prove a point against Italy and their arrogant shit of a manger, who has done nothing but denigrate MLS since he was appointed. I want Italy to pay the price and rethink their crap attitude.
Again, if you have pre-existing support for Italy - fine. Otherwise, fuck them.
Joseph Bianco please correct me if I am wrong in any of this, since I don't closely follow the Italian national team, but I feel like the Villa and Giovinco situations are very different. Villa is probably only there because Costa is out, and he already has the chemistry with many of the NT players. He also is a known entity. He's always shown up for the La Roja and been successful. None of Spain's strikers have really locked down the position since the days of Torres and Villa (Morata is getting there). He is a great locker room guy. He is also pretty flexible when it comes to where he can play on the front.
Giovinco has never been a mainstay of the Azzuri, and he doesn't have a ton of success when he has played. He has one goal. He also doesn't allow for a lot of formation flexibility. Italy don't play a two striker system, which is where Gio would be best suited. He's not even playing his best soccer right now. He was playing better in 2015. He hasn't been anywhere as consistent. And I think calling in a player just to be a free kick specialist is kinda stupid. You can't sub him in just for that.
That's not to say that the Italian coach doesn't have any respect for MLS, I just don't think it's as simple as saying, "well Villa got called up, so obviously Giovinco should too."