Yankee Stadium Seating

Scott McCarthy

Seasoned Supporter
I know most will be in supporters section, but has anyone taken in a soccer game @ Yankee Stadium before? What sections would offer the best sightlines and views of the game?

Also I wonder how they will handle seating when they move to new stadium, will it be you get to choose "comparable" seats to what you had at Yankee Stadium or priority the same as seat selection at Yankee Stadium and you get to pick your spot all over again.

I ask since I have Supporters & Standards
I have yet to be there for a soccer game, but I've been there a couple times this year and thought of it in soccer terms to get some bearings. I think almost all of the 200s will be good. I think anything behind home plate will suck, but the higher you are, the better vantage point it will be. The 100 levels don't see like they'll be very good anywhere.

If I get standard seating, I'm hoping to sit in 136, 135, 236, 235, 234. For sideline viewing, I like the 300 level. Such as 324-328.

Perhaps not the greatest example, but here's a picture we took last Sunday from Section 427.

The field will run from the 1st Base Line straight across to the outfield wall. If I'm correct, the near touch line will run just north of the mound. I believe in the past the line went right through the center of the mound.......anyone can feel free to straighten me out if I'm wrong on that.

Personally, I'm disappointed they're not planning on opening the 400 level. As an upper deck sort of guy, I think these seats are pretty good.

This is from the Left center field in the bleachers section 239
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Anyone who is going to Liverpool v City in July?
Maybe as a service to the group, we can have a few of the gang take pictures from various sections and label them with the sections from each.
We can have a specific thread for that.

Excellent Idea
Just an FYI to avoid confusion, that is actually left-center field. I am pretty certain at this point that the supporter's section will be located in that general area.

Shit my bad I meant to say left center
This is how they have previously set up the field for friendlies... I would expect something similar.

Yankee Stadium Soccer Map.jpg
I went to city chelsea last year and I'm going to city Liverpool this year. Not bad views fom left field bleachers or first base line. 3rd base line is ok. Behind home plate and right field bleachers are shite. Will post pics.
Honestly, the seating isn't that bad. As mentioned above, home plate is shit but the other areas aren't too bad. I sat in right field for the Man City game and it wasn't terrible, you could see the game just fine.
I'll be at the Stadium on Saturday (and many times after that) and will take in as much as I can. If anyone has questions in regards to sightlines and such, let me know and I will do my best to answer.
I'll be at the Stadium on Saturday (and many times after that) and will take in as much as I can. If anyone has questions in regards to sightlines and such, let me know and I will do my best to answer.
Hey, try to look for the best seating area for a regular supporter seat (best view of the field.
I'll be at the Liverpool Man City game next month. If anyone wants me to take a photo from a specific section number just let know which one you would like and I'll be happy to be post on here for everyone to see.