The problem is the unlimited capacity at YS. They screw us over by opening up sections for Red Bulls matches. If they're going to cap tickets at 26k or whatever it is now, they should stick with it.
I think they should close off some sections like the Delta suites because they're so far from the field but I know they're not going to give up that cash cow. Though it's usually empty. I appreciated that they closed up the field level behind home plate. Only problem is what else can you close without it looking completely empty?
We’ve had this discussion before. It’s why Citi is so much better suited for soccer. Based on the seating chart last season, if they also open up the clubs and suites were looking at around 22,000. And all the regular seats are on the field level (17,300). Much more intimate & loud and no section other than the 2 uppers need to be closed off so it’s not so awkward looking like tarping behind home plate. I mean even that overhang for the SS was amazing the echo the noise. Look how spread out and layered YS is in comparison.
EDIT: and sideline corner section is perfect to keep away fans apart and not throw shit on us from above.

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