So i had a jersey native who lives in atl now come up for the game, she organized a bunch of our friends to watch the game from 214b (she wanted to be near the away supporters, but we didn't so we compromised going a few sections over). Let me tell you, it opens my eyes to two things. 1) The game is more fun with friends (already knew that but it reinforced it) and 2) the premium for the nycfc halfway line is the biggest ripoff in sports.
My regular seats are in 127b row 2, I sold those, thankfully, but still had swapped tickets from the orlando game same section row 18 under the awning. Much nicer to be higher up, and out of the sun. Honestly you are so far from the pitch anyway that row 2 to row 20 doesn't matter. The view isn't much improved the closer you are and you can't interact with anyone on the field anyhow, but the added elevation lets you see the far side of the pitch better which is nice.
So I went to the game on those swapped tickets then I "snuck" into 214b around the 30min mark. Snuck is an overstatement, literally no one stopped me. I foolishly sought out an usher to show her my fake screenshot tickets, but she couldn't care less. It was a risk I didn't even have to take I could have sat anywhere and no one was going to stop me.
Anyway, the view from that section is sooooo much better in my opinion. I like the goal to goal view so much more and the added height lets you basically see everything. Only thing you lose is field level interactions which really from 127b is a zilch anyhow. And maybe the 2nd half you don't see the attack as well but its still decent. And in the first half its amazing so in average you get a good overall experience.
Its basically cemented my decision to abandon the Cat 1 seats next year. They are the worst value in Yankee stadium. I could buy two seats on either side of the stadium with the goal to goal view for the same price and I would be immensely happier. I don't know what it would be like in a proper SSS but for now halfway line is a dead zone and should be avoided.
Secondary market seats in 127b for the atlanta game were going for face value of 214b. lol. what a joke. it was the #1 vs #2 Saturday afternoon game and no one wanted to go. The listed attendance was 25k but it looked like 15k to me. I am sure im cutting to 1 ticket now. As nice as it was to go with friends I doubt I could get a large group to go on the regular. And if i really needed a second ticket I could probably get it on stubhub anyhow. And now i am sure I am moving out of cat 1 to cat 6 with a goal to goal view. If the ushers give zero fucks like they did in the atlanta match i could basically walk in any 2nd level section I wanted. And the price is 40% of what i am paying now.