2019 Season Ticket Thread

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The opt-out form has hover-text for each reason you might choose for canceling. Not sure "meaningful dialogue to understand what may be feasible" is going to pull anybody back from the abyss.

It's word for word the exact quote from the team in the NY Times article back in July.
I think I’m still renewing even though my tickets are going up by like $17 each for the whole season ($1 per game). Relocation is going to be fascinating though, because I think a big chunk of STHs are going to drop out.
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My email came about 30 minutes ago, and among other things it says I "also now now have the option of adding Legends access to [my] membership."
I'm more than 99 and 44/100% certain this will cost way more than I think it is worth, but I'm curious to see what that cost is, but I can't find it anywhere. This might an offer just for Delta Suite members, but did anyone else get it and if so, can you find the details?

Oh, and my prices are down 6.25% after not increasing in 2018 over 2017 so, I'm reasonably happy.
I was also intrigued by the mention of adding Legends but I couldn't find any mention of it beyond what was said in the email. Poked around in the Ticketmaster web site too, just to see how far I could get into the process before I had to bail waiting to see if the Legends thing showed up. No luck, alas.

Also, my seats are $5.25 less per month each (section 224—this year called Category 4, next year called Sideline Mezzanine). So just a tad over 10% less next year. Adds up to about one scarf per month, so not a bad deal.
Seems like my 2 seats in 207 went down considerably. My 2017 invoice was $1,145 while 2018 was $1,283. The 2019 invoice is showing $909. Looks like my section went from $54/mo in 2018 to $45/mo in 2019.

I was thinking of going down to just one ticket for this upcoming season, but since the price dropped, maybe I'll keep both.
I was also intrigued by the mention of adding Legends but I couldn't find any mention of it beyond what was said in the email. Poked around in the Ticketmaster web site too, just to see how far I could get into the process before I had to bail waiting to see if the Legends thing showed up. No luck, alas.

Also, my seats are $5.25 less per month each (section 224—this year called Category 4, next year called Sideline Mezzanine). So just a tad over 10% less next year. Adds up to about one scarf per month, so not a bad deal.
The legends premium has to cost well north of $100 per ticket. I'd think $2-300 per pair could go a long way towards buying your own concessions.

I enjoyed legends the one time I had them, but it's not something I would want to do every game -- too much money and you need to show up an hour before kickoff to get the full benefit.
The legends premium has to cost well north of $100 per ticket. I'd think $2-300 per pair could go a long way towards buying your own concessions.

I enjoyed legends the one time I had them, but it's not something I would want to do every game -- too much money and you need to show up an hour before kickoff to get the full benefit.
Well I'm definitely interested but not for $200 per match for my two seats. If it was, say, $20 extra per seat and I could pick and choose the matches, meaning I'd take the four in March and April when it's freezing, say, that's pretty worthwhile. But $200 x 17 matches is not worth it just to get a better burger now and then. That's why I went looking for the info to see what the story was.
Well I'm definitely interested but not for $200 per match for my two seats. If it was, say, $20 extra per seat and I could pick and choose the matches, meaning I'd take the four in March and April when it's freezing, say, that's pretty worthwhile. But $200 x 17 matches is not worth it just to get a better burger now and then. That's why I went looking for the info to see what the story was.
The legends isn’t access to anything but the legends lounge. Why show up just for food beforehand when it’s cold?

Why is this a surprise? You guys know they offered this add on this year, right? At least to me they did. And since I am 100% balls dead on certain I’m not special to them, I guarantee you it’s not special.

The cost to add it is something like 60-75 per ticket I think. Whatever it was, it was a number my wife thought sounded cheap. Until I described the opportunity costs of using your $60-75 in concessions in a pre-determined manner.

ETA: oops. It’s $115 per game this year. Email for this year was sent on Feb 1 for me. Totally shit deal. Even at half the price.
They’ve changed the founding member bricks to stone? Marble? Slate? Granite?
Nobody pays attention.

Now they might offer an opportunity to purchase a replica, but having the name on the wall should be free. Also note no actual mention of bricks.

The brick is a lie.

Also they never said brick.

Keep your stinking brick. I want my f#cking name engraved in this f#cking wall. like you f#cking promised.

Also, my signature was “etched in stone” for several months quite recently.
Nobody pays attention.
Except Adam.
Either mgarbowski is going to laugh at all of us when we learn there are no bricks, only engraving somewhere (I hope mine is the toilet seat, so it leaves a imprint on all who use it). Or the FO will now have to give us bricks just because we've been going on about them for so many years that it's become a thing.
Tomb, I think.
Consider the grave of Julius Caesar relative to import. Decrease import exponentially.

We’ll all be scratching names on the freshly poured concrete under the foundations of new apartments in my hood Hell’s Kitchen.

This will be the ultimate execution on the promise of recognition. This or something like it.
Well, after years of mistreatment, I'm out. Not wasting my time and money with CFG's garbage anymore. Hope it gets better for you all... you've been and will continue to be the best part of this club, by far.
Well, after years of mistreatment, I'm out. Not wasting my time and money with CFG's garbage anymore. Hope it gets better for you all... you've been and will continue to be the best part of this club, by far.
NYCFC_Dan should now have a new banner strip for the member info to replace the Seasoned Supporters with a Former STH badge.
My prices in 205 are down 10.5% for my two founding member tickets and 8.25% for my regular member tickets. That's a nice decrease for terrific seats. I was considering a move behind the goal by the Supporters section to save some money, but this will probably keep me in the same spot.

You guys should come join me. Closest you can get to the pitch with side mezzanine seats.
This is more than just a modest price decrease. It is a major rethinking of pricing top to bottom.
  • There are more price points. There are now 6 suite/high end price points instead of 5, and 11 general price points instead of 8.
  • Prices are in round dollars per month, rather than round dollars per game.
They've put a lot of thought into trying to match value here, and deserve credit for that. Unfortunately, the ultimate problem is that the resale market is soft, and the StubHub situation exacerbates that.

For all the noise on that site about new benefits, pricing, a better trade in program, etc., there is nothing about changes to reselling tickets. That's a big problem.
Regarding Legends, one of the things you are supposedly paying for is convenience - i.e. not having to stand in line for 20 minutes and miss kickoff in order to have a cold hamburger.

Not that I am going to lay out the cash for it, but that to me is the real benefit.
My prices in 205 are down 10.5% for my two founding member tickets and 8.25% for my regular member tickets. That's a nice decrease for terrific seats. I was considering a move behind the goal by the Supporters section to save some money, but this will probably keep me in the same spot.

You guys should come join me. Closest you can get to the pitch with side mezzanine seats.
I’m gonna think long and hard about sideline seats, but my seats in 110 are right on the pitch (2nd row) and it’s hard to give that up. Being that close to the players and corner flag on that side is still awesome. It’s a whole different speed.