Are You Voting For Bernie Sanders?

Anyone who has taken an econ 101 class and was conscious in it shouldnt be voting for sanders.
Go on....



The biggest reason we pay more than any other country on the planet is we have ZERO bargaining power. None.

In single payer countries, the government can tell pharmaceutical companies and doctors how much they're willing to pay them and if they don't like it, they can get the fuck out of the country. Obviously, the companies will take some healthy profits over no profits.

In America, the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals say we want to rape the consumers and insurance companies say "Sure, no problem."

It's time to end the madness. Vote Bernie Sanders.

Duking it out with Slovakia on infant mortality rates despite the fact that we probably pay at least 10x more on healthcare than them.

We can buy a brand new car for the average cost of delivering a baby here.

Help me out Gavin, in Econ 101, that means we're winning right? The objective is to get bent over the table and boned in the ass and still not be able to provide every American affordable, adequate healthcare. That's the goal right?

You turkeys also realize that forcing EMPLOYERS to pay for the EMPLOYEES' healthcare is also a major drag on EMPLOYERS here that they don't have in single payer countries.....right?
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So long as we are posting grossly inappropriate stuff for a soccer forum, check out Social media site for sharing stats. Mostly political. Some sports and other. I started it a bit over 2 years ago.

Go get your Bernie Sanders jollies on there.

I'm going back to the soccer threads now.
So long as we are posting grossly inappropriate stuff for a soccer forum, check out Social media site for sharing stats. Mostly political. Some sports and other. I started it a bit over 2 years ago.

Go get your Bernie Sanders jollies on there.

I'm going back to the soccer threads now.
The fuck?

It's the off-topic forum.
Health care is so expensive in this country because of government not because of the free market. Our Health care system even prior to Obamacare had extensive government involvement.

The reason health care is so expensive in this country is due to the following: (off the top of my head many more)


  • Every function of the medical profession requires licensure. Physicians, clinics, hospitals, etc. Restricts supply thus driving up costs.

  • Unionism in health industry requires that more laborers than are necessary be present for all types of procedures. Unnecessary expenditures and higher unproductivity.

  • Force insurance companies to cover things for which insurance is not warranted (chiropracters, mental health, abortions, etc.). Increases the price of insurance.
  • Restricts buying of insurance from across state lines. Conducive to regulatory capture of states and drive sup cost due to limited competition.

  • Capital and reserve requirements. Excludes smaller insurance company and mutual aid society options.

  • Arbitrarily shuts down peaceful pharmaceutical/health care companies and auctions off their assets to bigger companies.
  • Raises costs of production via stringent testing requirements.

  • Granted higher funding for more unnecessary and expensive equipment, whose usage becomes a fixture of hospital practice. Precludes lower cost treatments.

  • Prohibits generic pharmaceuticals and machinery. Higher cost goods.
Employer Insurance System

  • One's employment is often bonded to one's insurance. The expression of consumer preference in this industry is hampered.
In Sum

  • Big bureaucratic mess. No price competition. Almost unlimited right of mark-up. Dominated by insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Medical institutions basically 'own' their position in the industry. And we just got Obamacare. Will push clinics and doctors into big hospitals, who reserve a near-royal right of mark-up.
On the bright side despite all this Ill take an American Hospital over one in Europe anyday. Ive been to several European hospitals, notably in Italy, no thank you. Sometimes the grass isnt always greener on the other side socialist. Further all major medical advancements are coming from the US not abroad, Im proud of that fact.
Friends, comrades, please stop with the healthcare graphs and complaints. Hasn't President Obama and Congress implemented the Affordable Care Act? Won't that fix the nation's health care woes and the inequality in the health delivery system?
Socialism has been so successful in all prior implementations of it worldwide, so of course, let's vote for a socialist! Bernie for President!

Although, even as a moderate conservative (and one of the clueless/lazy MBA's out there) I would actually prefer Sanders over Trump, although that's like picking between Jeb Brovsky and Kwame to play striker for City.

Anyway, I don't like to call people stupid fucking brainless motherfucking clowns too often, but if you honestly believe Bernie Sanders should even be thought about for President, are a stupid brainless motherfucking clown.
Socialism has been so successful in all prior implementations of it worldwide, so of course, let's vote for a socialist! Bernie for President!

Although, even as a moderate conservative (and one of the clueless/lazy MBA's out there) I would actually prefer Sanders over Trump, although that's like picking between Jeb Brovsky and Kwame to play striker for City.

Anyway, I don't like to call people stupid fucking brainless motherfucking clowns too often, but if you honestly believe Bernie Sanders should even be thought about for President, are a stupid brainless motherfucking clown.

What this guy said. Trump is just as bad as Bernie just in different respects.
Also here are some things I do like about Bernie and agree with him on (not economics):

-Stood Strongly Against the War in Iraq (Unlike Hilary)
-Supports Diplomacy with Iran rather than War
-Supports Instant Run Off Voting (look it up much better than current first past the post system)
-Against NSA mass warrant-less surveillance of the US populace
-Strong supporter of Veterans
-Supports opening of relations and trade with Cuba
-Supports Criminal Justice reform
-Against the Death penalty
-Support for same sex marriage (though I want government out o marriage all together)

Thats it. Surprisingly he is pretty anti immigration. Almost a Republican on the issue. Im pretty pro Immigration so thats another area I dont agree with him on.

Economically he is illiterate.
Health care is so expensive in this country because of government not because of the free market. Our Health care system even prior to Obamacare had extensive government involvement.

The reason health care is so expensive in this country is due to the following: (off the top of my head many more)


  • Every function of the medical profession requires licensure. Physicians, clinics, hospitals, etc. Restricts supply thus driving up costs.

  • Unionism in health industry requires that more laborers than are necessary be present for all types of procedures. Unnecessary expenditures and higher unproductivity.

  • Force insurance companies to cover things for which insurance is not warranted (chiropracters, mental health, abortions, etc.). Increases the price of insurance.
  • Restricts buying of insurance from across state lines. Conducive to regulatory capture of states and drive sup cost due to limited competition.

  • Capital and reserve requirements. Excludes smaller insurance company and mutual aid society options.

  • Arbitrarily shuts down peaceful pharmaceutical/health care companies and auctions off their assets to bigger companies.
  • Raises costs of production via stringent testing requirements.

  • Granted higher funding for more unnecessary and expensive equipment, whose usage becomes a fixture of hospital practice. Precludes lower cost treatments.

  • Prohibits generic pharmaceuticals and machinery. Higher cost goods.
Employer Insurance System

  • One's employment is often bonded to one's insurance. The expression of consumer preference in this industry is hampered.
In Sum

  • Big bureaucratic mess. No price competition. Almost unlimited right of mark-up. Dominated by insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Medical institutions basically 'own' their position in the industry. And we just got Obamacare. Will push clinics and doctors into big hospitals, who reserve a near-royal right of mark-up.
On the bright side despite all this Ill take an American Hospital over one in Europe anyday. Ive been to several European hospitals, notably in Italy, no thank you. Sometimes the grass isnt always greener on the other side socialist. Further all major medical advancements are coming from the US not abroad, Im proud of that fact.
Gavin with the mental gymnastics to try and convince himself that he's not getting fucked over hard with this system. LMAO

Which system is more socialist Gavin? Its as simple as that. The single payor or our batshit insane system? It's the single payor system. But it gives the country bargaining power with the pharmaceutical companies and does away with the redundancy and waste of paying for multiple administrations and advertising campaigns for insurance companies that will do everything they can to deny you because that's how they make a profit. Single payor doesn't need to make a profit which means savings there, too.

It's impossible for our system to be cheaper. We don't have limits on the people selling the drugs and we have a middle man getting his cut.

Btw Gavin, why don't you stop driving on public roads? Stop calling firefighters or policeman. Stop sending your kids to public schools. Stop hiding behind the US military, go fight Iran yourself. All products of socialism. I hear great things about the for-profit prisons, too.

Public schools have LONG been considered the cornerstone of any US community...but they're socialist. All public schools, even the one that taught you to fear socialism, are socialism in action.

Did you think we should have let the banks fail and enter a new great depression, too? Did the banks not have enough freedom to act irresponsibly? Was that the problem that led to the crisis? I mean, I'm sure no good capitalistic republican from Texas would give the banks a bailout....Just like I'm sure he wouldn't give no-bid contracts to his Vice President's former company to do work in a country that we invaded on false pretenses....oh wait.

Keep voting for the Republicans who are talking to the invisible man in the sky for their answers.

Who think a theater full of people with guns is a safe theater. Sure any crazed lunatic could turn and shoot your family members in the head but atleast you can shoot back! What a great consolation prize.

Maybe you accidently hit and kill some other innocent bystander while shooting back but I'm sure a "Whoops! Sorry! I didn't mean it" will cover that.

Voting for Bernie Sanders won't mean America will magically transform into communist Russia over night forever and ever. We can always vote in a Republican later when we want to waste trillions of dollars and thousands of lives on the next endless war.
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