Are You Voting For Bernie Sanders?

A vote for a Republican is a vote for hoping your family members get shot in the head.

Its really as simple as that. Republicans would rather see your family shot and killed than deny a gunmaker a dollar.

Let that sink in.

I can speak withca clear conscious, which is why I want to talk about it.

You all know you're wrong which is why you don't want to discuss it.
Gavin with the mental gymnastics to try and convince himself that he's not getting fucked over hard with this system. LMAO

Which system is more socialist Gavin? Its as simple as that. The single payor or our batshit insane system? It's the single payor system. But it gives the country bargaining power with the pharmaceutical companies and does away with the redundancy and waste of paying for multiple administrations and advertising campaigns for insurance companies that will do everything they can to deny you because that's how they make a profit. Single payor doesn't need to make a profit which means savings there, too.

It's impossible for our system to be cheaper. We don't have limits on the people selling the drugs and we have a middle man getting his cut.

Btw Gavin, why don't you stop driving on public roads? Stop calling firefighters or policeman. Stop sending your kids to public schools. Stop hiding behind the US military, go fight Iran yourself. All products of socialism. I hear great things about the for-profit prisons, too.

Public schools have LONG been considered the cornerstone of any US community...but they're socialist. All public schools, even the one that taught you to fear socialism, are socialism in action.

Did you think we should have let the banks fail and enter a new great depression, too? Did the banks not have enough freedom to act irresponsibly? Was that the problem that led to the crisis? I mean, I'm sure no good capitalistic republican from Texas would give the banks a bailout....Just like I'm sure he wouldn't give no-bid contracts to his Vice President's former company to do work in a country that we invaded on false pretenses....oh wait.

Keep voting for the Republicans who are talking to the invisible man in the sky for their answers.

Who think a theater full of people with guns is a safe theater. Sure any crazed lunatic could turn and shoot your family members in the head but atleast you can shoot back! What a great consolation prize.

Maybe you accidently hit and kill some other innocent bystander while shooting back but I'm sure a "Whoops! Sorry! I didn't mean it" will cover that.

Voting for Bernie Sanders won't mean America will magically transform into communist Russia over night forever and ever. We can always vote in a Republican later when we want to waste trillions of dollars and thousands of lives on the next endless war.

I love how I point out all the problems of the current system and you respond by saying I like the current system (both pre and post obamacare) which is nothing but nonsense. Its as if you didnt even read my post EGGGADDD.

1- We do have limits on people (you mean firms) selling drugs (you mean pharmaceuticals) Artificially shrinking the supply and competition thru government is a major cause for the rising costs of healthcare outpacing inflation. I wrote this very thing in my post (which you didnt read) So yes it is possible for the system to be cheaper.

2- Im against for profit prisons. And having police and a system of laws is not socialist you baboon. Further my tax money is still going to pay these things. In the soviet union all food was made by the state. If I disagreed with the Soviet Union's system I would still go and eat the government made food..not because I agree with what they are doing but because its the only option and I would die otherwise... Your argument is such a strawman.

3- Our public education system in this country is an absolute joke and crumbling daily. Every year the statistics for our public education get worse despite ever more money being sent their way. Our education system is far worse than our health care system and guess what...its completely nationalized already save for a few private schools.

4- Free Markets mean when your company doesnt do the right thing THEY FAIL. They go bankrupt.

Free markets doesnt mean you privatize the gains and socialize the loses. Thats corporatism you idiot. The banks should have failed. We shouldnt bail out any business let alone a bank, just so the bank can give bonuses to it's executives. I thought you were a socialist? You sound more like a fascist.

All we did is push off the inevitable. First we had a housing crisis now we are going to have a monetary crisis. Printing billions if not trillion of dollars out of thin air to bail out banks and "save the economy" does not come without economic consequences. Yes ofcourse if the banks failed then it would of hurt but in the long run it would of been the healthier thing to do. Now we are just prolonging a bigger problem. The books are bigger, there is more debt, and more malinvestment going around. So next time there is a crash (and there will be) the problem will only be multiplied even more. This short term economic thinking of yours is pretty juvenile at best dangerous at worst.
I can do zeh chartz too!!!!

Lets compare



Now Iceland:




Conclusion: Greece needs another bailout and we should of bailed our our banks(end sarcasm)
1. Greece is strapped to a currency that can't fluctuate properly with their economy. It's not the socialism killing them.

Is the USA going to inexplicably strap itself to a currency that doesn't fluctuate properly to reflect its economy or have you built a complete strawman argument?

As for healthcare, Gavin, you realize the reason the same drugs just across the border are cheaper is partly because the socialist Canadian government has a system like socialist Europe that won't let drug prices get as laughably ridiculous as they do in America.

The drug companied are ok with it because brain dead drones in this country keep a system where the American patient gets raped.

So any Canadians or Europeans reading this thread thank Gavin and his corporate politicians that want us to give our money to corporations for your cheaper drugs.

New York Times:
The United States ends up paying more for drugs since it is much richer than the rest of the world and tends to spend a large fraction of that wealth on health care. Furthermore, in most countries, a single governmental health care provider bargains over drug prices. America's health care system is much more fragmented, which tends to reduce the bargaining power of health care providers in negotiating drug prices.

Thanks, Obamacare! Health insurer stocks soar - CNN Money
UnitedHealth(UNH) reported earnings that topped forecasts Wednesday morning and its stock rose 3% to a new all-time high as a result.
The other four members of the so-called Big Five health insurers --Aetna(AET), Cigna(CI), Humana(HUM), and Anthem(ANTM)(formerly WellPoint) -- have all beaten the S&P 500 over the past five years or so as well.

3. Our public education is a joke compared to....? Every other country's nationalized education system?

4. Who allowed the banks to get too big to fail in the first place? Which free market-loving party took away restrictions that cleared the way for the crisis? Which free market-loving party handed out the first bailout?

FREE MARKETS naturally create monopolies, too, which are good or bad for customers? And who has to come to the rescue when a monopoly forms?

Come on Gavin. Aren't you a proud Republican? Scream it loud, scream it proud. Grab your gun and go to the movies.
Socialism has been so successful in all prior implementations of it worldwide, so of course, let's vote for a socialist! Bernie for President!

Although, even as a moderate conservative (and one of the clueless/lazy MBA's out there) I would actually prefer Sanders over Trump, although that's like picking between Jeb Brovsky and Kwame to play striker for City.

Anyway, I don't like to call people stupid fucking brainless motherfucking clowns too often, but if you honestly believe Bernie Sanders should even be thought about for President, are a stupid brainless motherfucking clown.
You know that being a socialist and wanting to implement a socialist system of government are not the same thing, right?

Straight from the man's mouth:

1. In the summer 1986 issue of a now-defunct magazine called Vermont Affairs: “All that socialism means to me, to be very frank with you, is democracy with a small ‘d.’ I believe in democracy, and by democracy I mean that, to as great an extent as possible, human beings have the right to control their own lives. And that means that you cannot separate the political structure from the economic structure. One has to be an idiot to believe that the average working person who’s making $10,000 or $12,000 a year is equal in political power to somebody who is the head of a large bank or corporation. So if you believe in political democracy, if you believe in equality, you have to believe in economic democracy as well.”

Read more:

And no, I probably won't be voting for him, but I like that he's getting a platform.
1. Greece is strapped to a currency that can't fluctuate properly with their economy. It's not the socialism killing them.

Is the USA going to inexplicably strap itself to a currency that doesn't fluctuate properly to reflect its economy or have you built a complete strawman argument?

As for healthcare, Gavin, you realize the reason the same drugs just across the border are cheaper is partly because the socialist Canadian government has a system like socialist Europe that won't let drug prices get as laughably ridiculous as they do in America.

The drug companied are ok with it because brain dead drones in this country keep a system where the American patient gets raped.

So any Canadians or Europeans reading this thread thank Gavin and his corporate politicians that want us to give our money to corporations for your cheaper drugs.

New York Times:

Thanks, Obamacare! Health insurer stocks soar - CNN Money

3. Our public education is a joke compared to....? Every other country's nationalized education system?

4. Who allowed the banks to get too big to fail in the first place? Which free market-loving party took away restrictions that cleared the way for the crisis? Which free market-loving party handed out the first bailout?

FREE MARKETS naturally create monopolies, too, which are good or bad for customers? And who has to come to the rescue when a monopoly forms?

Come on Gavin. Aren't you a proud Republican? Scream it loud, scream it proud. Grab your gun and go to the movies.

Greece has a debt thats almost twice as big as its entire economy. This started way before they adopted the euro. If you cant see that socialism was a reason for their debt crisis than your delusional. I do agree with you that them adopting the euro was stupid but if you think the euro is what caused them to get into the situation they are in now then your are either ignoring facts on purpose or like I said before..delusional.

Me and my corporate politicians?? Your kidding. You want to bail out banks you hypocrite! Your views are so confused and inconsistent its laughable. Calling me a corporate shill while you want to bail banks out.

The financial crisis was due primarily to the federal reserves monetary policy under greenspan and continued by bernanke with their essentially near zero rates of interest which inflated the bubble. Combine that with the government buying up subprime mortgages in order for people to 'live the american dream" thru government agencies such as fredie and fannie and bam you have the housing crisis. All of it was create thru government misincentives not deregulation. This happened under both dems and republicans. It isnt some partisan black and white issue your trying to simplify it into.

There is no example of a monopoly existing without government interference. Monopolies are always the result of some government form of intervention, like tariffs, licensure or other barriers to entry.

Im a proud believer in economics and free market capitalism. If you love socialism so much move to Europe. I have plenty of family over there and they have little to no future and its generally complete and utter shit outside of places like Germany.
Greece has a debt thats almost twice as big as its entire economy. This started way before they adopted the euro. If you cant see that socialism was a reason for their debt crisis than your delusional. I do agree with you that them adopting the euro was stupid but if you think the euro is what caused them to get into the situation they are in now then your are either ignoring facts on purpose or like I said before..delusional.
Too much of anything is bad. Don't deal in absolutes. Too much socialism is bad. Too much freedom is bad.

Me and my corporate politicians?? Your kidding. You want to bail out banks you hypocrite! Your views are so confused and inconsistent its laughable. Calling me a corporate shill while you want to bail banks out.
You know, if a mother's life is jeopardized by a pregnancy, she might get an abortion. Say the mother is anti-abortion, but given the situation, she gets the abortion, anyway. Does it mean she's confused on her position on abortion in normal circumstances? I don't think so. Special circumstances arise where the unsavory answer might be the right or best answer. Don't deal in absolutes.

I mean, hell, your corporate shill hero, George W. Bush sure as shit found socialism to bail out his billionaire buddies when they fucked up. There's no reason to regulate the derivatives market. The free market will handle it! What could go wrong? The free market doesn't take into account the X factor -- people. That's why we need a little democratic socialism every now and again to protect the people.

The financial crisis was due primarily to the federal reserves monetary policy under greenspan and continued by bernanke with their essentially near zero rates of interest which inflated the bubble. Combine that with the government buying up subprime mortgages in order for people to 'live the american dream" thru government agencies such as fredie and fannie and bam you have the housing crisis. All of it was create thru government misincentives not deregulation. This happened under both dems and republicans. It isnt some partisan black and white issue your trying to simplify it into.
All of it? ALL? Holy shit. Maybe a fraction but to pretend like deregulation or the complete lack of any regulation to begin with on derivatives and banks weren't also major factors is just plain ignorance of reality.

There is no example of a monopoly existing without government interference. Monopolies are always the result of some government form of intervention, like tariffs, licensure or other barriers to entry.
And there's never been a functioning society without a government. So I think your free market might have a bit of an existential problem there. Also, if there were no government intervention what would stop, say, Coke and Pepsi from merging and forming a monopoly on soda and other beverages?

Im a proud believer in economics and free market capitalism. If you love socialism so much move to Europe. I have plenty of family over there and they have little to no future and its generally complete and utter shit outside of places like Germany.
But how can Germany not be shit? They have socialist things like *gasp* healthcare for everyone! The horror!

Oh and they flirted with having tuition fees for college but last year did this:

Higher education is now free throughout the country, even for international students. Yesterday, Lower Saxony became the last of seven German states to abolish tuition fees, which were already extremely low compared to those paid in the United States (about $650 a year).

You like to pick on Haiti or Greece when you talk about socialism but wouldn't Germany be a more appropriate comparison for the USA?
Too Much Freedom is a bad thing?

George Bush Is my hero?

God why do I even read your crap posts. Theyre just as moronic as your ones about Kreis. How old are you anyway? You seem to not of grown out of this false paradigm between "Demercrats" and "Republicrans" "Bush" vs "Obama" You do know the political spectrum of peoples views is a little more indepth than that right? I never once voted for Bush and I would never vote for any Bush.

I would love to see you explain what a derivative even is. Its like your new catchword you throw around without knowing what it means....

If Pepsi and Coke merged good for them. There would be nothing to stop someone else from creating a better product to compete as there always have been. For this new "monopoly" (as if they wont be competing with any other soft drink...) to maintain this "monopoly" they would have to keep prices low and quality high....EGGGADD...How terrible. If they raise their prices arbitrarily or lower their quality they will lose market share. So even in the short term, if this "monopoly" were to exist it would hardly be a bad thing because incentives would force them to lower prices and maintain quality.

While Germany may have universal health care many other aspects of their economy are more privatized, deregulated and free than the US. Hell even some of the Scandinavian countries have higher economic freedom rankings than us (we are 18th place)
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Too Much Freedom is a bad thing?

George Bush Is my hero?

God why do I even read your crap posts. Theyre just as moronic as your ones about Kreis. How old are you anyway? You seem to not of grown out of this false paradigm between "Demercrats" and "Republicrans" "Bush" vs "Obama" You do know the political spectrum of peoples views is a little more indepth than that right? I never once voted for Bush and I would never vote for any Bush.

I would love to see you explain what a derivative even is. Its like your new catchword you throw around without knowing what it means....

If Pepsi and Coke merged good for them. There would be nothing to stop someone else from creating a better product to compete as there always have been. For this new "monopoly" (as if they wont be competing with any other soft drink...) to maintain this "monopoly" they would have to keep prices low and quality high....EGGGADD...How terrible. If they raise their prices arbitrarily or lower their quality they will lose market share. So even in the short term, if this "monopoly" were to exist it would hardly be a bad thing because incentives would force them to lower prices and maintain quality.

While Germany may have universal health care many other aspects of their economy are more privatized, deregulated and free than the US. Hell even some of the Scandinavian countries have higher economic freedom rankings than us (we are 18th place)
Egaadddd is right.

Yes, too much freedom is a bad thing. Unless you believe everyone should have the freedom to murder? Rape? Steal? Own nuclear weapons? Yeah, no thanks.

Egad, you can't even figure out something that basic but you question how old I am?

Furthermore, getting back to monopolies, your perfect free market excuse requires no government interference. How feasible is that with 210+ governments on the planet? Lol, it's probably not feasible with one government. So it's useless theoretical garbage and an invalid excuse.

Lastly, Germany has universal healthcare and free higher education AND a robust economy and I don't see a reason why we can't have the same.

I want a President that will spend less policing the world and more building our country up. We're crumbling from within.

Our healthcare system today is literally corporate welfare. We are forced to pay more than any other countries because Republicans want our money in the hands of big corporations. I'm sorry, I call that being a sucker, and I will not support it.
1. Greece is strapped to a currency that can't fluctuate properly with their economy. It's not the socialism killing them.

Is the USA going to inexplicably strap itself to a currency that doesn't fluctuate properly to reflect its economy or have you built a complete strawman argument?

As for healthcare, Gavin, you realize the reason the same drugs just across the border are cheaper is partly because the socialist Canadian government has a system like socialist Europe that won't let drug prices get as laughably ridiculous as they do in America.

The drug companied are ok with it because brain dead drones in this country keep a system where the American patient gets raped.

So any Canadians or Europeans reading this thread thank Gavin and his corporate politicians that want us to give our money to corporations for your cheaper drugs.

New York Times:

Thanks, Obamacare! Health insurer stocks soar - CNN Money

3. Our public education is a joke compared to....? Every other country's nationalized education system?

4. Who allowed the banks to get too big to fail in the first place? Which free market-loving party took away restrictions that cleared the way for the crisis? Which free market-loving party handed out the first bailout?

FREE MARKETS naturally create monopolies, too, which are good or bad for customers? And who has to come to the rescue when a monopoly forms?

Come on Gavin. Aren't you a proud Republican? Scream it loud, scream it proud. Grab your gun and go to the movies.
Our public education is actually better than most places. We might not score better on the stupid testing and what not, but for the most part our education system is great.
Our public education is actually better than most places. We might not score better on the stupid testing and what not, but for the most part our education system is great.
As a country yes, as a city no. I feel that kids within the public education lack the push to go further BECAUSE education is guranteed (no child left behind).

Sure its good to have an understanding and be rounded in all subjects, but todays youth in NYC, i feel want more. From the kids in the public sector ivevtalked to, they have all agreed that they want to learn a trade as opposed to taking more classes. I.E, taking a class on automotive mechanics instead of math (im talking junior year of highschool). Or maybe a course on construction instead of an art class.

History, Sciences, Maths, Art and Music are only important to the kids who enjoy them. If a child does not enjoy them, then they do not preform well. When they dont preform well, they fail. Failure just because a class did not appeal to them. And that just sucks
As a country yes, as a city no. I feel that kids within the public education lack the push to go further BECAUSE education is guranteed (no child left behind).

Sure its good to have an understanding and be rounded in all subjects, but todays youth in NYC, i feel want more. From the kids in the public sector ivevtalked to, they have all agreed that they want to learn a trade as opposed to taking more classes. I.E, taking a class on automotive mechanics instead of math (im talking junior year of highschool). Or maybe a course on construction instead of an art class.

History, Sciences, Maths, Art and Music are only important to the kids who enjoy them. If a child does not enjoy them, then they do not preform well. When they dont preform well, they fail. Failure just because a class did not appeal to them. And that just sucks
Yeah I'm not sure what it's like in New York City, or other cities. I went to an extremely poor rural school and thought it was great.
I'm not saying the United State's education system is infallible, just that it isn't as bad as people make it seem. Yeah we score low on international testing and what not, but it's for reasons other than our school system being terrible.

I agree with you that more trade type things should be encouraged. My dad went to highschool in the '70s (inner city school) and instead of taking traditional classes he took electric classes. He didn't have enough money to go to college but that prepared him to get an awesome position in the Navy. That didn't work out for him, but he still has had an extremely successful career as an electrician. I'm not sure he would be where he is today if he didn't find out he was passionate and talented in electric while he was in highschool. We definitely need more of that, I agree.
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Part of the problem with NYC schools is that they rely on what the state gives them for school aid and don't tax the homeowners. Most of that money goes to keeping the buildings warm and in repair.

In the suburbs people pay way more in real estate taxes but almost all of that money goes to the schools.
This past Sunday NYT real estate section. Croton on Hudson house listed at $1.4 million and the taxes are$31,000.
Then a Bed-Sty town house $1.6 million and the taxes are $2200.
I disagree with this:
History, Sciences, Maths, Art and Music are only important to the kids who enjoy them.
Because of this:
I'm not sure he would be where he is today if he didn't find out he was passionate and talented in electric while he was in high school.
The reason kids should take all those classes is because they might never find out they were passionate about something if they never try it out. If you never take a math class, for example, you might never find out you're great at it (or not). If you do happen to find that it's your calling you might go on to become an engineer, say, or be in some other field you might never have considered.

That's why we need to have these required courses. If nobody takes math or science we might miss finding our next great engineers, scientists, or inventors. Same goes for art and music. If someone in your junior high school hands you a trumpet in band class you might find you can play it better then you ever imagined.

We owe it to ourselves as a society to teach these subjects. And to teach the trades as well, of course. Well-funded schools, for all subjects, are the *only* way to ensure our future as a culture.
Can you imagine the amount of stupid we would see from a Trump-Bernie showdown?

It would be tons of fun to watch, moving out of the country would be less fun.