1. Greece is strapped to a currency that can't fluctuate properly with their economy. It's not the socialism killing them.
Is the USA going to inexplicably strap itself to a currency that doesn't fluctuate properly to reflect its economy or have you built a complete strawman argument?
As for healthcare, Gavin, you realize the reason the same drugs just across the border are cheaper is partly because the socialist Canadian government has a system like socialist Europe that won't let drug prices get as laughably ridiculous as they do in America.
The drug companied are ok with it because brain dead drones in this country keep a system where the American patient gets raped.
So any Canadians or Europeans reading this thread thank Gavin and his corporate politicians that want us to give our money to corporations for your cheaper drugs.
New York Times:
Thanks, Obamacare! Health insurer stocks soar - CNN Money
3. Our public education is a joke compared to....? Every other country's nationalized education system?
4. Who allowed the banks to get too big to fail in the first place? Which free market-loving party took away restrictions that cleared the way for the crisis? Which free market-loving party handed out the first bailout?
FREE MARKETS naturally create monopolies, too, which are good or bad for customers? And who has to come to the rescue when a monopoly forms?
Come on Gavin. Aren't you a proud Republican? Scream it loud, scream it proud. Grab your gun and go to the movies.