Away - 7/29 Seattle

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Against Orlando, Maxi played great but had no one to distribute to.

Against Seattle, Berget, Lewis and Shradi will be available to start, but will have no one to distribute to them.
probably hurt enough that he needed to come off.
Also, love how he's playing mario kart on his switch. xD
That’s Mata whose is playing Mario Kart. He just tagged Moralez in the photo.
1) These guys are sitting in Main Cabin seats? What the f?

2) It appears that Awuah is starting on Sunday
It’s a charter plane where every seat is structured like main cabin. I am surprised though they didn’t opt for a more luxury cabin interior for their charter plane.
It’s a charter plane where every seat is structured like main cabin. I am surprised though they didn’t opt for a more luxury cabin interior for their charter plane.

It was just a Sun Country 737. There were 12 first class seats, but I couldn’t tell you who sat in them.
It’s not that easy to find an affordable, all premium-class seating airplane for 20-30’something people.
Best news of the week:
Maxi isn't out. That is beautiful! Do you think he will play tomorrow?

The team claims Maxi isn't out -- there have been far too many times this season when the team listed a player as available, only to admit he was injured when the lineup came out.

The only thing those injury reports are good for is lining bird cages.
Someone more knowledgeable about tactics than me, tell me: without Ring vs. Seattle, is that a particularly bad matchup, or not as bad as it might be vs. other teams?
It's hard to say because Seattle has been changing a bit themselves, bringing in Ruidiaz.

Either way, I'd love throw Sands out there tonight. If no sands, then please move Medina back to the MF and give me Isi, Berget, and Lewis up top.
Someone more knowledgeable about tactics than me, tell me: without Ring vs. Seattle, is that a particularly bad matchup, or not as bad as it might be vs. other teams?

Yeah SoupInNYC is right that Seattle has been in flux, and this is a DGW for them too so we'll see some rotation on both sides. Hard to know what to expect.

I think the short answer is that if Lodeiro's healthy enough to start at the 10, we're going to be hurting without Ring. The longer answer is that Dome knows all, sees all, and we could start all three of our goalkeepers in the midfield and not drop points.
It's hard to say because Seattle has been changing a bit themselves, bringing in Ruidiaz.

Either way, I'd love throw Sands out there tonight. If no sands, then please move Medina back to the MF and give me Isi, Berget, and Lewis up top.

What you and I and everyone wants the lineup to look like:

Actual lineup with U3 and Walton:
Is it “NYCFC questionable” or “actually questionable?” NYCFC questionable = out with no chance of playing; actually questionable = player may actually play and/or start.

I'm not sure how this idea started and even more confused at how it stays alive. As SoupInNYC pointed out rather cryptically just above me, we had 2 questionable players -- Berget and Shradi -- play in a game just 3 days ago.

And this is not some new Dome thing. April 11 RSL. Villa was questionable and played.

And before that, the club -- consistent with its overriding desire for secrecy -- would keep guys listed as questionable even though it eventually was clear they had either a very good or no-existent chance of playing. You just never know ahead of time.

I don't know how this started. I can only guess that there was one game where a guy we really wanted to play was questionable, he didn't play, we lost, and people decided we never play questionable players. And despite repeated evidence to the contrary confirmation bias wins again and again.

And to be clear I'm not picking on you. I've tried to kill this meme repeatedly and it just keeps going.
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