In High School, we had a fierce rival, in an often violent rivalry. One drunken night, some friends and I drunkenly decided to go to that town's party spot deep in their town woods, to try our luck with their girls. Suffice it to say, it didn't end well. It only took a few minutes before one of my buds gave a friendly pinch to the rear-end of a girl who turned out to be the girlfriend of the town maniac just out of prison. My friend got pummeled. I jumped on the guy, who was at least a foot taller than me, wearing a shirt less than me, and a dozen more tattoos than me, gave it my best shot, but paid the price. The five of us were ultimately surrounded by what felt like a 100 of them. They eventually settled on giving us 10 seconds to run, which we did.
Moral of the story, don't pinch the ass of the girlfriend of the craziest Crew supporter.