City Voice

Oh no question. However over time we'll end up seeing more polls dedicated to "How well do we know Heineken?", "How likely are we to purchase the product?", "Does drinking Heineken enhance your experience while watching the match?", etc than any polls concerning home uniform designs. ;)

I do expect those, but I hope they're infrequent and it's more about team decisions.
I'm hesitant to give personal information unless I have direct confirmation that it's a club site.

Could be phishing. I've sent an e-mail to my rep about it.

Seems legit. Came from an email address from the site, it uses the NYCFC email design, and they only ask for name and email, nothing else. Would like to know for sure, though. Let us know what your rep says.
This is legit, right?

I'm leery about random *.us domain names from a deep-pocketed company (CFG) who couldn't afford a *.com or set up a sub-domain off asking for my email address and date of birth? :cool:
This is legit, right?

I'm leery about random *.us domain names from a deep-pocketed company (CFG) who couldn't afford a *.com or set up a sub-domain off asking for my email address and date of birth? :cool:

It all seems legit, but I obviously can't confirm for sure. I did a Who Is on the domain, and it's owned by, who is mentioned on the City Voice site. I went to their site and it looks like they're the company that makes this platform for brands.
I signed up as well. Got the email at 10:57am.

I like the outreach. Hard to tell if these initiatives are window dressing or will effect real change. @Gene - I bet you're right about some sponsor polls and q/a mixed in as well. They'll bucket us based on our initial answers (STH y/n?, etc...) and run some things up the flagpole. Any data that they can provide the sales team based on real fan feedback is important for closing deals.

Can't hurt and maybe they'll listen a bit too on some issues.
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I got two e-mails. One is addressed to Founders and the other is not. I wonder if the links lead to different stuff.