Expansion Rumors Megathread

I'm not saying I thought/think Miami is a good idea, and someone please correct me if I'm mistaken (exceedingly possible), but my take is that they have the site in Overtown area lined up as a possibility / back up and could move forward there. But now that the Mas brothers are involved in the ownership, the whole group thinks they can do better, so they're exploring other options in the meantime. I don't think that means that they couldn't still build the stadium in Overtown if that's their only choice. Maybe I've missed an article or ten, though... things are always in flux with this Miami situation.

That being said, there were/are probably 5+ other markets that are more deserving and ready than Miami. But then again, MLS gave Beckham that deal and without it Beckham never came, and without Beckham the league very very likely isn't where it is today, and those other markets aren't seeking entry to MLS....

And Doral is the money laundering capital of the Southeast United States.

There are billions of ways (and reasons) a soccer specific stadium could get done in Doral despite the traffic issues.
Location of said stadium if they are awarded an MLS franchise.

Well, I guess Nashville does not intend to screw around. Ian Ayre named as their CEO.

He wasn't fired. I don't really know an exact reason, but IIRC it seemed like there was some burn out on both sides. His contract was expiring, so he left early and went to run 1860. Quit there after 2 months because their board is a complete disaster.

ETA: Oh - one thing that I was probably a big factor was that LFC were segregating the duties of head of the club (CEO) from the sporting side, and promoting Michael Eddwards to Director of Football Ops. So maybe he just didn't want the reduced role?
That name doesn’t even make sense.
If Philly ain’t the Freedom, ain’t nobody the Freedom.

ETA: and why in the hell did mgarbowski choose that instead of the song?

I can’t be expected to check the titles of YouTube videos. And since my reference was to the appropriate one, I’ll allow it.
ETA: and why in the hell did mgarbowski choose that instead of the song?
Because the song, though I love it, does not by itself demonstrate that there was a professional tennis team founded in 1974 with that name., even though they are connected. Plus my video is a charming example of mid-1970s sports marketing, so there.

And I just discovered the team name was revived (sort of like the Cosmos) in 2001.

I had no idea professional team tennis was still a thing.

I am not made of stone, however, so I leave you with the Soul Train version